Reporting tools: BusinessObjects, MReports, Tableau and personal storage

Articles (147)

Access to Tableau Server

Instructions for finding out more information on Tableau

Accessing MReports: Default Guide

Shows the MReports URL and discusses basic access that is auto granted.

Addressing MReports Data Issues During Employment Freeze

The Employment data is frozen as reported in MReports from July - October for Internal Controls certifications.

Assign Secondary/Proxy Access to a Project/Grant in M-Reports

Steps for a PI to grant proxy access to others, including faculty.

BusinessObjects - Random Reports Appearing in BI Inbox

This article explains the "random report/query" behavior that is occurring with the BI Inbox and the recommended workaround.

Can I Use Dropbox Backup in U-M Dropbox?

This article provides information on Dropbox Backup in U-M Dropbox.

Can I use Google Photos Storage Saver in my U-M Google account?

This article provides an answer to whether Google Photos Storage Saver can be used with a U-M Google account to reduce their storage.

Can I Use My Email Address to Create a Personal Box Account?

This article provides information on why you cannot use an email address to create a personal Box account.

Changing Google Drive for Desktop Drive Letter on Windows

This article provides instructions for changing the "Google Drive for desktop" drive letter on Windows.

Check Your Storage Usage/Limit in U-M Google

This article provides information on how to check your storage usage/limit in U-M Google for both individual accounts and shared drives.

Choose an ITS Data Storage Option

This article provides users with links to relevant websites and documentation that will help them determine which data storage option best fits their needs.

Clearing Cache for MReports Access Visibility

Use this process to confirm access is assigned when recently granted and the user cannot view what is expected.

Creating BusinessObjects Universe Queries Guide

Links to instructions on creating universe queries.

Differences Between Dropbox Selective Sync and Smart Sync

This article explains the differences between Dropbox Selective Sync and Smart Sync.

Document Imaging: Error When Logging Into the System

If users receive an error when attempting to log into the online version of the Document Imaging system, they can try to clear their cookies just for Document Imaging.

Document Imaging: Tips for Searching in Web User Interface (available via Wolverine Access)

Tips for searching the online version of Document Imaging (Perceptive Experience)

Download Google Drive for Desktop on a Personal Computer

This article provides information for downloading "Google Drive for desktop" on a personal computer (non-MiWorkspace).

Downloading Clean MReports to Excel

Formatting reports for the web pages can add extra rows and columns when downloaded to Excel. Hyperlinks aren't necessary when using the data in Excel, so these are removed using this process.

Dropbox Watermarks

This article provides information on adding, customizing, and removing a watermark on a file in U-M Dropbox.

Dropbox: "That team name is in use. Please start over again" (Team Folder Request Form Error)

This article provides information on why you would receive the following error when requesting a new Dropbox Team Folder: "That team name is in use. Please start over again."

Dropbox: Access the Dropbox Folder in File Explorer/Finder

This article provides guidance on accessing the Dropbox folder in your File Explorer or Finder.

Dropbox: Cannot Edit Files on Dropbox Website

This article provides information regarding why you may not be able to edit files on the Dropbox website.

Dropbox: Changes to Google File Creation/Editing Integration

This article provides information on the changes made to the Google file creation and editing integration in Dropbox that occurred on January 12 and January 22, 2024.

Dropbox: Collaboratively Edit Microsoft 365 Files (Co-Authoring)

This article provides information on how to collaboratively edit Microsoft 365 files in Dropbox.

Dropbox: Copy/Duplicate Files and Folders

This article provides instructions for copying/duplicating files and folders in Dropbox via the web, desktop, and mobile apps.

Dropbox: Create Searchable Tags on Files and Folders

This article provides information about creating searchable tags in U-M Dropbox.

Dropbox: Early Access Features

This article provides information about Dropbox's early access features.

Dropbox: Excel Files Using VBA Macros

This article explains how Excel files using VBA macros interact with Excel for the web and Dropbox.

Dropbox: Feature Limitations of the Microsoft Office 365 Web Integration

This article provides information about feature limitations in Microsoft 365 Online when using it via the Dropbox web integration.

Dropbox: File System Changes (2024)

This article provides a detailed overview of every change to U-M Dropbox's file system occurring on June 11, 2024.

Dropbox: Files Not Appearing in the Dropbox Desktop App

This article provides information on why files may not appear in your Dropbox desktop app (even though they may appear at

Dropbox: Find Starred Files/Folders

This article provides information about finding your starred files/folders in U-M Dropbox.

Dropbox: Folder Settings and Permissions

This article provides resources and information about Dropbox folder settings, sharing, and permissions.

Dropbox: Link/Unlink U-M Account and Personal Account

This article explains how to link your U-M Dropbox and personal (non-UM) Dropbox accounts on the web and connect them to the Dropbox desktop app.

Dropbox: Lock or Unlock a File

This article provides instructions for locking/unlocking Dropbox files.

Dropbox: MCommunity Members Not Appearing in Team Folder Membership

This article provides an explanation for why some MCommunity members are not appearing in the membership of a Dropbox Team Folder.

Dropbox: Missing Folders in Finder/File Explorer

This article provides troubleshooting for how to resolve issues with missing Dropbox folders in Mac Finder/Windows File Explorer via the Dropbox desktop app.

Dropbox: Move Folders Into and Out of a Team Folder

This article provides steps for moving folders into and out of a Dropbox Team Folder.

Dropbox: Move Team Folder Data to Another Team Folder

This article explains how to move data in one Team Folder to a different Team Folder in U-M Dropbox.

Dropbox: New Shared Link Format

This article provides additional information about the new shared link format in U-M Dropbox.

Dropbox: Organize Files/Folders Using Quick Access

This article provides information about organizing files/folders in the left sidebar under the "Quick access" section in U-M Dropbox.

Dropbox: Share Files/Folders Using Shared Links

This article includes instructions on how to create and share Dropbox shared links with collaborators who do or do not have a Dropbox account.

Dropbox: Shared Folder Name Discrepancies/Differences

This article explains why one person may notice a different name of a shared folder than another person in U-M Dropbox.

Dropbox: Sharing Files / Folders With Large MCommunity Groups

This article explains what happens when you try to share a file/folder in U-M Dropbox with large MCommunity groups.

Dropbox: Tagging (@) Someone in a Comment Does Not Show Them as an Option

This article provides information on an issue you may encounter when tagging someone in a comment on a file in Dropbox. The issue involves the person you want to share with not populating as an option when tagging them.

Dropbox: Team Folder and Subfolder Sharing Settings

This article provides additional information on the sharing settings of Team Folders and subfolders within them.

Dropbox: Team Folder Sharing and MCommunity Membership

This article explains the differences in file path and folder views when sharing a Team Folder or subfolder within the Team Folder with MCommunity groups. How you share it, MCommunity roles, and at what level affect what collaborators see.

Dropbox: Team Folders and Sharing With External Users

This article provides information about sharing Team Folders and content within them with external (non-UM) users.

Dropbox: This can only be shared with the link

This article explains why you may receive the following Dropbox error message when trying to share a private folder: "This can only be shared with the link."

Dropbox: This folder can only be shared as a link because it’s in a shared folder

This article explains the error message you may receive when attempting to share a subfolder in a shared folder in Dropbox: "This folder can only be shared as a link because it’s in a shared folder."

Dropbox: Transfer Files Using Dropbox Transfer

This article includes information about using Dropbox Transfer to transfer ownership of your Dropbox files and folders to someone else.

Dropbox: Transfer Ownership of Shared Folders

This article explains how to transfer ownership of a shared folder in U-M Dropbox.

Dropbox: Unshare a Shared Folder

This article provides instructions for unsharing a shared folder in U-M Dropbox before deleting it.

Dropbox: Upload Files and Folders

This article provides information on how to upload files and folders to Dropbox via the website, desktop app, and mobile app.

Dropbox: Using File Request

This article provides information on how to use the File Request feature in U-M Dropbox to request files/folders from collaborators.

Dropbox: Using Selective Sync / Adding or Removing Folder(s) to Desktop App

This article explains that selective sync is a feature in the Dropbox desktop app that lets you choose folders to remove from your hard drive so you can save space on your computer. The folders you choose to remove from your hard drive remain stored in your account on

Dropbox: Using the Dropbox App in a Canvas Course

This article provides instructions on using the Dropbox app in U-M Canvas, logging in, and accessing it in a course.

Dropbox: Using the Email to Dropbox Feature

This article provides additional information on the "Email to Dropbox" feature in U-M Dropbox.

Dropbox: Version History of Files and Folders

This article includes information on viewing the version history of files and folders in U-M Dropbox.

Dropbox: View the Size of Files and Folders

This article includes information about viewing the size of files and folders in U-M Dropbox.

Dropbox: What's My Total Storage Usage in My Account?

This article provides information on how to find your total storage usage in U-M Dropbox.

Dropbox: Where Are Microsoft 365 Files Created in Dropbox Stored?

This article provides information on where Microsoft 365 files created in U-M Dropbox are stored.

Dropbox: Will MCommunity Subgroups Sync When Sharing Files/Folders?

This article answers whether MCommunity subgroups sync to U-M Dropbox when sharing files/folders.

Eligibility for a U-M Dropbox Account (Dropbox Access)

This article provides information on who is eligible for a U-M Dropbox account.

Errors and Limitations of Moving Folders from Google My Drive to Shared Drives

This article provides additional information on the limitations and errors that may occur when moving a folder from Google My Drive to a Google shared drive.

Exporting BusinessObjects Reports to Excel Guide

Contains the link to detailed website for instructions.

Find Google Files You Own and Have Shared With Others

This article provides information on how to find Google files you own and have shared with others.

Google Account Recreation and Existing Shares/Access (Given Prior to Deletion)

This article explains how existing shares/access (given prior to deletion) work after a user's U-M Google account is deleted and recreated.

Google Account Recreation and MCommunity Group Sync

This article explains how MCommunity group sync works after a user's U-M Google account is deleted and recreated.

Google Drive: Organize Your Files and Folders

This article provides guidance on various ways you can organize your files and folders in Google Drive.

Google Forms Error: "No Longer Accepting Responses," but Form Should Still Be Collecting Responses

This article provides information on why you are receiving the "no longer accepting responses" error on a Google Form you own.

Google: "The file is view-only. No edits can be made to this file. Contact file owner for details."

This article provides information on the Google message someone might notice when a file owner's account is over its storage limit: "The file is view-only. No edits can be made to this file. Contact file owner for details."

Google: Automatic Archival of Old Gmail Emails Using Filters

This article provides instructions for configuring Gmail filters to allow for the automatic archival of existing and ongoing inbox email.

Google: Can I Buy More Storage for My Account or Shared Drive?

This article provides an answer to whether you can buy additional storage for your U-M Google account or shared drive.

Google: Create a Shared Drive

This article provides instructions for creating a Google shared drive.

Google: Delete a Shared Drive

This article provides information on deleting Google shared drives.

Google: File and Folder Sizes in Shared Drives

This article provides information on if and how to view file and folder sizes in a Google shared drive.

Google: Folder Ownership and Permissions in Drive

This article provides information on how folder ownership and permissions work in Google Drive.

Google: Managing and Editing a Shared Drive

This article explains how to change a shared drive's information and membership.

Google: Remove Yourself From a Shared File/Folder

This article provides instructions for removing yourself from a shared file or folder in Google Drive.

Google: Renew a Shared Account

This article provides instructions for renewing a Google Shared Account using the ITS Shared Account Manager tool.

Google: Renew a Shared Drive

This article provides instructions for renewing a Google shared drive using the ITS Shared Drive Manager tool.

Google: Request Access Error After Shared Drive Creation

This article explains why you would receive an access request error after creating a Google shared drive.

Google: Shared Drive Sharing and Permissions

This article includes information on Google shared drive permissions and sharing.

Google: Sharing Drive Files with MCommunity Groups

This article provides information about sharing Google Drive files with MCommunity groups.

Google: Storage Usage Not Decreasing After Deleting Data

This article provides information on emptying the Trash in Google to update the current storage usage displayed.

Google: Transfer Ownership of Shared Drives

This article provides guidance about transferring ownership of Google shared drives.

Google: Using the Takeout and Takeout Transfer Tools

This article provides information on two tools developed by Google - Google Takeout and Google Takeout Transfer - for exporting/transferring data from your Google account.

Google: Why Is "" a Manager of My Shared Drive?

This article explains why the ITS Shared Drive Manager account is a Manager of your Google shared drive.

Google: Why Is “” an Owner of My MCommunity Group?

This article explains why the Shared Account Owner is an owner of the MCommunity group associated with your Google Shared Account.

Guide to Checking U-M OneDrive Storage

How to find the U-M Onedrive storage page

Guide to Extracting Project Grant Expenses

Combined Activity Reports list all expenses for projects. The No-Link format link strips hyperlinks and extra rows/columns for easier sorting of data within Excel.

Identifying Access for Existing BusinessObjects Reports

Understand what universes and other data sources existing report are using and how to request access.

Learn BusinessObjects: MyLinc Courses and Resources

Links to the primary website for Business Objects learning and the MyLinc Cours

Learning U-M Data Warehouse Basics

Info on why to use BO and how to learn more.

Managing BusinessObjects Folders and Documents Guide

Links to information on organizing reports in BusinessObjects.

Microsoft 365: OneDrive Storage Limits

This article provides information on account storage limits within the ITS-managed campus instance of Microsoft 365 OneDrive.

Modifying U-M Maintained Reports in BusinessObjects

Links to miniwebinars, web pages with guided simulations, and MyLinc training.

M-Reports Delete Criteria

Two methods to clean up saved 'My Criteria'. Some reports have a 'Manage Criteria' button on the report screen. Many reports only have 'save criteria' button.

MReports EMail: Unsubscribe from Close-of-Business Notifications

Email notifications are sent based on project grant responsibilities and roles assigned in MReports.
Users that are not PIs can subscribe and unsubscrive to receive financials "Close of Business" email notifications in MCommunity.

New Dropbox User Interface / Experience (November 2023)

This article provides information and resources regarding the new Dropox user interface/experience that was released in November 2023.

Overview of Google Storage Limit Alerts / Banners

This article provides information on what the Google storage limit alerts/banners mean, why they show up on your U-M Google account, and how you can get rid of them.

Resolving Secondary Access Visibility in MReports

It is possible to have the ProjectGrantProxy role and not be able to view any projects if the projects are inactive or past the Budget Period End Date specified in MPathways.

Restore a File from Windows (MiWorkspace) Network Storage

Recover/restore a deleted file from a network drive in Windows

Running Predefined Reports in BusinessObjects

Links to training and webpages with guided simulations.

SAPOC Visibility on Sponsored vs. NonSponsored Projects

SAPOCS have access to all projects in their departments. They need to change the default search from their name to the department to see them all versus those they are assigned as SAPOC on.

Sending Reports to a Business Objects (BI) Inbox

This article provides a how-to instructions link for sending a report/query to another user's in Business Objects (BI) inbox.

Step by Step Instructions for Faculty Accessing Project Financials in MReports

Faculty are automatically granted access if named as PI on projects. They have requested step by step instructions for viewing their reports.

Tips for Cleaning Up Your U-M Google Account

This article provides links and recommendations for cleaning up your U-M Google account, including Drive, Photos, and Mail.

Transfer Ownership of Files and Folders in Google Drive

This article provides instructions for transferring ownership of files and folders in Google Drive. It includes instructions for both transferring to another individual account OR to a Google shared drive.

Transfer Ownership of Files and Folders in U-M Microsoft OneDrive

This article provides steps for transferring ownership of files and folders in U-M Microsoft OneDrive.

Transfer Ownership of Google Drive Files Owned by Departing Employee

This article guides departments/units on how to gather a list of files/folders a departing employee owns and share it with the departing employee to request that they transfer ownership back to the unit.

Transfer Ownership of Google Drive Files Owned by Someone Who Left U-M

This article guides individuals/departments/units on how to transfer ownership of Google Drive files/folders owned by an individual who has already left and is no longer at U-M.

Transfer Ownership of Google Shared Drive Files and Folders to Your My Drive

This article explains how to transfer ownership of files and folders in a shared drive to your individual account's My Drive.

U-M Data Warehouse Refresh Schedule Details

Where is the link to see the schedule for data warehouse schedules. This is important to know when the data in Business Objects is unavailable.

Understanding Dummy Objects in BusinessObjects Universes

Explains why placeholder or dummy objects are available for use in BO Universes

Usage of Dropbox in Microsoft Teams

This article provides additional information on the usage of Dropbox in Microsoft Teams.

Viewing SQL Query in WebI BusinessObjects Reports

Step by step instructions on viewing the sql used in a BO Query.