MiWorkspace / PaaS
Windows 10 / 11
There are various methods of viewing the last boot date & time of a Windows computer; See Resolution below.
Method 1: Task Manager
- Open the Task Manager by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESC on the keyboard, or by right-clicking on the taskbar & selecting Task Manager
- Select Performance on the left-hand side
- When the CPU component is selected, "Up time" will be shown near the bottom:

Method 2: PowerShell
- Open Windows PowerShell (does not need to be run as admin)
- Run the following command to display the machine name & last bootup date/time:
Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem | select csname, lastbootuptime
- Alternately, run the following command to only query the last bootup time in dddd, MMMM dd yyyy h:mm:ss tt format, for example, Monday, January 1, 2024 9:15:00 AM:
(Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime
- Yet another command that will query the same info but in M/d/yyyy, h:mm:ss tt format:
systeminfo | find /i "Boot Time"
Method 3: Event Viewer
The Event Viewer utility can be used to view startup and shutdown history in Windows. This program displays at least five such relevant events which are as follows:
Event ID 41 - This event is logged when you reboot your PC without shutting it down completely.
Event ID 1074 - This event is logged in two situations: Either by a shutdown command from the Start menu or when an application causes the computer to restart or shutdown.
Event ID 6005 - This event indicates system startup; It is created when the Event log service starts.
Event ID 6006 - This event is recorded in a case of a proper shutdown.
Event ID 6008 - This event is logged if your computer shuts down unexpectedly. As an example, if you shut down the PC using the power button directly or if the system encounters an error, causing the computer to shut down immediately.
- Open Event Viewer from the Start Menu; Alternately, press Win + R to open a Run dialog, type
in the text field of the dialog box and hit Enter (elevation with an admin account required)
- Expand the Windows Logs section from the left pane and select System.
- Choose Filter Current Log... from the right pane.
- Now, type the event ID that you wish to check under Includes/Excludes Event IDs. Since we typically want to check the last restart time, we will enter ID
. Multiple IDs need to be entered in a comma-separated format.
- Click OK to proceed.
- The Event Viewer should now display a list of your shutdown and startup events.
Method 4: Bomgar Rep Console
- The system Uptime can be view in the BeyondTrust Remote Support Representative Console:
- Click on Session Info near the bottom-right hand side of the console, and check the Uptime variable:

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