U-M Dropbox
How do I organize files/folders into sections in my left sidebar under "Quick access?"
You can organize files and folders into customizable sections to quickly access them from the left sidebar. These sections are private to you and cannot be shared with others. Additionally, files/folders that you star will automatically be placed in a section called "Starred."
- Create a new section: Click the plus icon (+) beside "Quick access" in the left sidebar. Enter the desired section name in the field provided and click Create.
- Add files/folders to a section: You can drag and drop files/folders from your "All files" view into the section. Alternatively, hover over the section name, click the plus icon (+) beside it, and select Add items from the drop-down menu. Search for and select the files/folders you wish to add to the section and click Choose.
- To open a folder while selecting items to add, double-click on the folder in the list (as clicking the right carrot (>) icon beside the folder will not work).
- Move a file/folder from one section to another section: Hover over the file in the applicable section, click the vertical ellipsis icon (:), and select Move to section from the drop-down menu. Click the section drop-down, select a section, and click Move.
- Remove a file/folder from a section: Hover over the file in the applicable section, click the vertical ellipsis icon (:), and select Remove from section from the drop-down menu.
Additional Information
Refer to the Dropbox Help Center for more information on the "Quick access" section. (Please note that their instructions are slightly incorrect compared to the instructions in this article.)
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