SAPOC Visibility on Sponsored vs. NonSponsored Projects




If I’m a SAPOC on nonSponsored projects, why can’t I see sponsored projects for my department?


SAPOC stands for "Single Administrative Point of Contact." In MPathways, a staff member can be designated as SAPOC for each project grant (P/G), along with the PI (Project Investigator) and FINOps (Financial Operations) staff. These designated individuals are granted system access to their respective projects in MPathways and the corresponding sections in MReports: FinMgmt for Non Sponsored Projects and Research for Sponsored Projects. SAPOCs can view their projects by selecting P/G Summary within these tabs.

Additionally, SAPOCs can access all departmental projects in MPathways, regardless of their assigned projects, by following these steps:

  1. Altering the Search Type selection in criteria from Project Administrator to Department.
  2. Choosing the desired department.
  3. Clicking Refresh to update the project list.

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