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Email notifications are sent based on project grant responsibilities and roles assigned in MReports.
Users that are not PIs can subscribe and unsubscrive to receive financials "Close of Business" email notifications in MCommunity.
Shows the MReports URL and discusses basic access that is auto granted.
It is possible to have the ProjectGrantProxy role and not be able to view any projects if the projects are inactive or past the Budget Period End Date specified in MPathways.
Two methods to clean up saved 'My Criteria'. Some reports have a 'Manage Criteria' button on the report screen. Many reports only have 'save criteria' button.
Faculty are automatically granted access if named as PI on projects. They have requested step by step instructions for viewing their reports.
SAPOCS have access to all projects in their departments. They need to change the default search from their name to the department to see them all versus those they are assigned as SAPOC on.
Combined Activity Reports list all expenses for projects. The No-Link format link strips hyperlinks and extra rows/columns for easier sorting of data within Excel.
Use this process to confirm access is assigned when recently granted and the user cannot view what is expected.
The Employment data is frozen as reported in MReports from July - October for Internal Controls certifications.
Formatting reports for the web pages can add extra rows and columns when downloaded to Excel. Hyperlinks aren't necessary when using the data in Excel, so these are removed using this process.