Google Drive
How do I organize files and folders in Google Drive?
Refer to the Google Drive Help Center article - Organize your files in Google Drive - for a complete walkthrough of various ways to organize your files and folders in Google Drive.
The article includes information on:
- Creating, moving, copying, and deleting files and folders
- Create a folder
- Move items to a file or a folder
- Create and delete a shortcut for a file or folder
- Create a link to a Drive file or folder in other applications
- Make a copy of a file
- Delete a file or folder
- Change the color of your folder
- If you move folders with a lot of files or subfolders, it might take some time for you to see the changes.
- You can use the left sidebar to move items into any folder or shared drive in Google Drive.
- Shortcuts make it easier for you or your team to find and organize files and folders stored across multiple locations. (A shortcut is a link that references another file or folder.)
- You can create a copy of a shortcut in a Drive folder, but you can’t create a shortcut to another shortcut file.
- If you delete a shortcut, the original file is not deleted.
- You can’t copy folders, only files.
- If you accidentally put an item in the Trash, you can restore your item.
- You can customize the color of folders and shortcuts to folders in your My Drive and shared drives. If you change any colors, it only applies to your view in Drive.
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