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CAEN Lab Software Environment (CLSE)
Linux CLSE
Linux CLSE
This version of the CAEN Lab Software Environment (CLSE) is deployed using Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and provides an environment to run the licensed software offered by CAEN.
Categories (2)
Bash Shell
Information about the Linux Bash shell.
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
A way to run a Linux environment within a Windows CLSE system, and without the need to reboot out of the Windows OS.
Articles (24)
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How are Environment Modules used in the Linux CLSE?
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How do I access my AFS files and folders from the Linux CLSE?
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How do I use Environment Modules to select the appropriate Instruction or Research license for a software application?
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Why does my terminal look different when logging into a Linux CLSE computer?
Can I install software on a CAEN lab computer?
How can I access my U-M Dropbox files on the Linux CLSE?
How can I access my U-M Google Drive files on the Linux CLSE?
How can I run Linux applications like Google Chrome which are not already installed on the CLSE?
How can I use my wired headphones on CLSE computers when booted into Linux? Can I use Bluetooth headphones?
How do I change the language on a Linux CLSE computer?
How do I use the shared libraries on the Linux CLSE?
I made changes to the Bash dotfiles in my home directory, and now I can’t log into Linux CLSE computers. How do I fix this?
What changes have been made to the GNOME workspace switcher in the Linux CLSE?
What command line text editors are common in Linux?
What folders should I save my files to on a Linux CLSE computer?
What is a lock file, and how do I unlock it? How do I unlock my files in Cadence?
What is a lock file, and how do I unlock it? How do I unlock my files in Cadence?
What is the sudo command? Can I use sudo on computers running the CAEN Lab Software Environment (CLSE) for Linux?
When I log into a Linux CLSE computer, I either cannot run software (e.g. command not found), or am automatically logged out. How can I fix this?
Where can I find an online course to help me get started using Linux?
Where is my home directory stored when using Linux CLSE computers?
Why can't I run certain software applications on Linux CLSE computers?
Why does Firefox no longer run for me on Linux CLSE computers?
Why don't I see any applications when I click "Activities" in the Linux CLSE?
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