The process for starting software applications on the Windows CAEN Lab Software Environment and Engineering Base Desktop uses a software-on-demand service called AppsAnywhere. Most software applications are no longer installed locally on computers, or available in the Windows Start menu. Instead, each time you log into a CAEN Windows computer, a browser will open and present the AppsAnywhere home page where you can Search apps:

By default, you will be shown the Recent tab, which will provide a short list of your most recently launched apps. You will then two other options:
- View all Recent - Shows the full list of apps you've recently launched
- View all apps - Shows the full list of all apps available to you on the computer (lists may differ based on an individual's software access and licensing restrictions)
To begin, use the Search apps box to locate the software application(s) you wish to run. Results will be listed based on the keyword(s) you use, and availability. Simply click the Launch button for the software application and version you wish to use, for example with MATLAB:

After briefly displaying the AppsAnywhere splash screen, the Cloudpaging Player will start for on-demand delivery of the application to the computer:

Once the delivery process is complete, you can click the green play button labeled Launch to open the app. The Windows Start menu will also be populated with the associated shortcuts:
Some other notes about using AppsAnywhere:
- The Cloudpaging Player must remain open in order to continue running software that was launched using the on-demand service.
- If the Cloudpaging Player is closed and you need to re-open it, you can select it from the Windows Start menu, or double-click the CAEN Software icon on the Desktop.
- In order to run applications that interact with each other, you will be required to launch both applications from AppsAnywhere. For example, if you wish to run COMSOL and have it interact with MATLAB, both applications will first need to be launched.