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Annoto is an in-video discussion tool for MiVideo content in Canvas.
This document will instruct users on how to publish media in MiVideo.
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How to import the media from one course’s Media Gallery into another, as long as you are an Instructor or Instructional Designer for both courses. Importing a course’s Media Gallery can save time over selecting individual media files to add to a new course.
This document will instruct users on how to edit their Media Gallery within MiVideo.
How to add media to the Media Gallery that has already been added to your Canvas My Media repository.
This document will instruct users on how to create a personal or channel/gallery playlist in MiVideo. Once a playlist is created, media can be added for viewing.
This document will instruct users on how to reorder playlist media within My Media in MiVideo.
This document will instruct users on how to remove media from a playlist within My Media in MiVideo. Media removed from the playlist will remain in the channel/gallery and My Media.