MiVideo: Publish Media in Canvas




How MiVideo media can be published in Canvas:

  • Share media with your entire course by publishing to the Media Gallery
  • Embed media into an Assignment, Page, or other course content using the Text Editor
  • Add a link to a video or playlist as a Module item
  • Publish an IVQ video quiz as an Assignment
  • Share media with specific students

Video Demo

Embed Media Using The Rich Text Editor

Link To Media In A Module Item


You must be the media owner or co-publisher to publish media. Co-editors and co-viewers are not able to publish media. See the Media Collaboration and Roles article.

Share media in the Media Gallery

  • You can publish media to Media Galleries for courses in which you are a Teacher, TA, or Instructional Designer. See the Add Media to a Course Media Gallery article.
  • Once media is published to the Media Gallery, playlists can be created to organize content. See the Create Playlists article. 
  • Teachers, TAs, and Instructional Designers can import a Media Gallery from another Canvas course. See the Import Into Media Gallery article.

Embed media and Media Gallery playlists into course content using the Rich Text Editor

  • Media and Media Gallery playlists can be embedded onto Pages, Assignments, or any tool that utilizes the Text Editor.
  • Embedded media does not have to be first published to Media Gallery to be viewable using this method.
  • However, to embed a Media Gallery playlist, all media must be published to the Media Gallery and added to the playlist (see the section Share media in the Media Galleryabove).
  • Access to the media is restricted based on who has access to the page, assignment, etc.
  1. In the Text Editor, select the MiVideo icon in the second row of toolbar buttons. If you do not see the MiVideo icon, click the triple dots icon.
  2. The default library shown is My Media. Select the tab along the top to select a different library.
  3. Optional: Click the gear icon next to the media entry to choose a different player or player size.
  4. To embed a media item or playlist, click the Embed button. This will embed the media or playlist into the MiVideo player on the page. When the page loads, the player also loads.  
    • Note: if you are embedding many videos in one page it is recommended to embed thumbnail images instead. This will result in the page to render faster because all the players don't have to load all at once. 
      • To embed a thumbnail image click the settings (gear) icon next to the video to embed, switch on Thumbnail Embed, and then click Embed.
      • Once embedded, clicking on the thumbnail image will load the video player.


  • Teachers, TAs, and Instructional Designers can copy course content from another Canvas course. If the content from the other course contains embedded media, that media becomes associated with this course and can be viewed by anyone enrolled in this course. See the Copy Content into New Canvas Course article.
  • It's recommended that you add context to media when embedded onto a page. Students using the Canvas Student app on mobile devices see a "Launch External Tool" button and may not be aware the button launches the player. The screenshot below shows a page on the iOS app with several embedded videos but no text.

Screenshot of a page with lots of embeds from Canvas Student app on an iPad

Link to media and Media Gallery playlists in a module item

  • Media and Media Gallery playlists can be linked to from any module.
  • Linked media does not have to be first published to Media Gallery to be viewable using this method.
  • However, linked playlists require all media in the playlist to be published to the Media Gallery and added to the playlist (see the Share media in the Media Gallery section above). 
  • Note: Alternatively, media can be embedded onto a Page and the page can be added as a module item. 

Note: Do not publish links ("https://aakaf.mivideo.it.umich.edu/media/t") from the Media Gallery, your My Media, or your Kaltura Capture library in your course as students will receive an "access denied" error message and won't be able to view the video. This is due to the way Canvas and MiVideo authenticate users and permit who can view the video. Instead follow the steps below.

  1. Locate the Module you want to add media to and click the “+” icon in the top-right of the module to add a new module item.
  2. In the pop-up window, from the drop-down menu, select External Tool.
  3. Then scroll down and locate Select Media from the list of external tools.
  4. In the new pop-up window you have the option to link to media from your My Media, the Media Gallery, and Media Gallery playlists.
  5. Optional: Click the gear icon next to the media entry to choose a different player or player size.
  6. Click Embed.
  7. Make sure Load in a new tab is unchecked if you want the player to load within Canvas.
  8. Click Add Item to finishing creating the module item.

Note: Teachers, TAs, and Instructional Designers can copy course content from another Canvas course. If the content from the other course contains linked media in a module, that media becomes associated with this course and can be viewed by anyone enrolled in this course. See the Copy Content into New Canvas Course article.

Publish an IVQ Video Quiz as an Assignment

Note: As a best practice, don't publish an IVQ as an Assignment and also publish the IVQ elsewhere in Canvas as this can mess up the analytics.

See the Understanding IVQ (Interactive Video Quizzing) article for more details.

Share media with specific students

To share media with specific students or sections

The following options can be assigned to specific students or sections (along with availability dates) using the "Assign to" feature.

  • Module item link  - the module item must be added to a new module that is assigned to specific students (you can't assign the link itself to specific students). See Instructure's How do I assign a module to individual sections or students? article.
  • Page embed - embed the media into a Page. The page can be added as a module item and assigned to specific students. See Instucture's How do I assign a module content item from the Module Index page? article. 
  • Assignment embed - embed the media into an Assignment and set Display Grade as Not Graded. The assignment will not show up in the Gradebook. 
  • Discussion embed - embed the media into a Discussion post.

To share media with specific sections

The following option can be assigned to specific sections (along with availability dates) using the "Assign to" feature.

  • Announcement embed - embed the media into an Announcement.

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center