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Creating a new student petition in Student Academic Petitions

. Complete all sections that have a red header. Required fields have a red asterisk. If you must attach documents, click on the [Select File] button to upload. Approved File Formats: Text

Getting BeyondTrust (Bomgar) session history

their uniqname in the Customer Name field. Or, if you want to see a list of all of your sessions, click the checkbox next to Representative, then click on the drop-down menu and select your name

Threatdown (Malwarebytes) Nebula agent

(Malwarebytes) Nebula agent? The Threatdown (Malwarebytes) Nebula agent is a tool that can quickly detect and quarantine adware, viruses, malware, and other threats, and is installed on all managed

Using tmux

screen and continue running in the background, allowing the user to logout, then later reattach the screen when logging back in. It's an alternative to screen - in short, screen is more likely to be

FERPA Training Completion report

Overview To aid departments with Faculty/Staff compliance of completing FERPA training, the FERPA Training Completion report provides a summary that shows the completion percentage for all Faculty

Data Contracts SharePoint list

Summary This article discusees how to use the Data Contracts SharePoint list. It is a simple system that pushes out email notifications related to expiration of data contracts. It will send out an

Mounting NTFS on Linux machines

connected, e.g., UUID="519CB82E5888AD0F"              /path/to/folder            ntfs-3g        defaults,nofail          0   0 Remount all file systems, including the new NTFS file system: sudo

Wireless presenter remotes

2023, Logitechs attained unexpected prominence as LSA Technology Services was forced to begin removing all Kensington brand presenter remotes from LSA-supported classrooms and auditoriums, after it was

CrashPlan first time setup on Linux

the Code42 program, click the Manage Files button. You will see your home directory will be selected for backup by default. You may wish to change this to /home to back up all local user data (or

Resolving the Microsoft Office EXC_BAD_ACCESS error on macOS

indicates a memory access violation, which means that the application is trying to access memory that it is not allowed to access or that it has already released. This can be due to a corrupted

Troubleshooting delayed text display in Psychtoolbox

quality text rendering on the Windows operating system. The first time that GStreamer is called to render text, it will build a cache of all the fonts that it finds on the system if the cache does not

Learning the Linux command line interface

Summary This article provides information about learning the Linux command line interface. Environment Any Linux distribution. Directions Check out any or all of the following

Connecting to Wi-Fi using eduroam as a visitor at another university

if you have not used the MSetup tool beforehand. The remote campus' IT help desk may be able to help you connect. Many (but not all) resources which are normally open to MWireless locally are also

Configuring Secure PIN Hard Drives for Secure Data

\0A37427_en.pdf. If the Secure PIN Hard Drive was purchased individually or for a Lab, then it is ready to be delivered. All formatting changes should be done with the default password. Additionally

Editing lecture recordings

the Lecture Recording platform:  Slide Replacement allows you to remove content by inserting a black slide, or adding text explaining why images were removed. Cut allows you to cut out a