Getting BeyondTrust (Bomgar) session history


Look up Bomgar session information after a session has ended. This can be helpful for finding the uniqname or computer name of a user you were working with.


  1. Mac or Windows
  2. Chrome
  3. LSA TS Admins with access to BeyondTrust (Bomgar)  


  1. Open a web browser and visit
  2. Enter your uniqname and password to login.
  3. Make sure Report Type is set to "Session."
  4. Under Filters, there are several options to search by:
    • If you know the user's uniqname, click the checkbox next to Customer, then enter their uniqname in the Customer Name field.
    • Or, if you want to see a list of all of your sessions, click the checkbox next to Representative, then click on the drop-down menu and select your name.
    • Optional: Click the checkbox next to Date Range to specify a date range for the search. (Use the checkbox in the Reports::Support box.)
    • Reports will be listed oldest to newest.
  5. Click on Show Report at the bottom of the Reports::Support box (below the last filter, "Include only Completed Sessions").
  6. Find the session you need by time, date, or user's name, then click Details.
  7. Under Session Events, there should be an event that contains Customer Information in a blue and white box. This includes the computer name.

Do not use any of the options in the Reports::Team Activity box to try and find info for your own sessions. There will be many sessions other than your own listed.