General Printing Support & How-To

Articles (24)

Print job is on hold for authentication

Resolving "Hold for Authentication" print issues by entering UM credentials.

Print Jobs Pausing

After windows updates the papercut client is not restarting itself and causing print jobs to pause in the printer queue. Since the papercut client is not running some users have their accounts setup to prompt them for what mprint account they want to charge the print job to and they aren't getting that prompt because papercut isn't running. This article shows you how to check if papercut isn't running and how to run the program again.

Printing to Xerox printers from Linux - Physics Department

LSA Physics specifics for printing from a Linux machine.

Requesting a Linux print queue (randprint)

If your printer is not supported by MPrint, you can request a queue on the Randall print server.

Set up a personal home printer

This KB is meant to be sent to customers needing assistance with home printer setups.

Setting up Brother P-touch label printer to network print

This guide will teach you how to set up your Brother P-Touch PT-950NW label printer on the network