
What are the differences between patient and provider CGM exports?

Are there any differences in the CGM data exports and reports when they are downloaded by a patient vs. the provider (through a "clinic")?
2 Answers
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 2/11/2025 3:52:03 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

What options are available for glucose monitoring in research?

With the availability of more and more glucose monitors in the market, it is now easier than ever for researchers to integrate blood sugar measures into their studies. What are some of the options?
2 Answers
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 10/28/2024 5:37:13 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

How can I share my code on GitHub? Code sharing FAQs.

How do I get access to the Depression Center's GitHub ( ) so I can share my code? What licenses are appropriate for sharing code used in research? Can I contribute bug fixes and make pull requests with...
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 3/14/2024 2:05:40 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

Can wearable devices be prescribed for clinical use?

Can fitness trackers, wireless blood pressure cuffs, wireless scales, etc. be prescribed to a patient? Can providers be reimbursed for "remote monitoring" of the data when used for treatment plan decisions?
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 1/18/2024 4:51:19 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

Is it possible to freeze Fitbit device updates?

Can firmware (device software) updates be put on hold for Fitbit devices during the duration of a study?
Dr. Cathy Goldstein, faculty lead for the Mobile Technologies Core, asks: "Are we able to freeze the software version used to classify sl...
1 Answer
Cathy Goldstein Last activity on 1/15/2024 10:25:31 AM by Gabriel Mongefranco

How do I add both Garmin and Fitbit devices to Fitabase?

I created a Fitabase project for one device, now I can't add the other type of device. How do I add both?
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 1/12/2024 2:57:52 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

Which mobile devices support GPS?

This question was brought up by Greg Rybarczyk, Ph.D., director of the GIS Program at U-M Flint.
Is there a resource on which wearables and data management platforms allow for the collection of GPS coordinates?
1 Answer
Greg Rybarczyk Last activity on 1/5/2024 12:33:25 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

What tools are approved for saving and sharing passwords with team members?

Research teams, especially data analysts and programmers, may need to share passwords for database accounts, service accounts, etc. This should be done in a secure manner. What tools are available to do this?
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 12/7/2023 12:31:33 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

Mobile device manufacturer programs for researchers

What programs do device manufacturers have for researchers? Do manufacturers have programs that offer education, special support, device discounts, etc.?
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 12/6/2023 4:04:24 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

Examples of effective text messages used in recruitment

This question came up in today's Mobile Coordinator Network (MCN) meeting:
"Do you have examples of the texts that were effective?"
1 Answer
Victoria Bennett Last activity on 11/29/2023 11:39:37 AM by Gabriel Mongefranco

How can I get an update on my IT ticket? (ITS, HITS, IA, etc.)

I submitted a technology-related ticket and haven't heard back. How can I get an update?
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 11/28/2023 4:36:29 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

How can I host or publish a website for my research study?

What resources are available at University of Michigan or Michigan Medicine for hosting websites and web apps?
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 11/28/2023 4:20:51 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

Where can I find sample IRB language?

Where can I find sample IRB templates or boilerplate that complies with IRBMED requirements?
Are there specific examples available for human-subject studies that use mobile technologies?
Are there examples for studies that use mental heal...
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 11/28/2023 3:40:20 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

What kind of expertise is needed to run a research study with mobile technology?

What expertise is needed for research studies that use mobile data? What kind of experts should be budgeted, and why?
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 1/30/2024 4:28:49 PM by Victoria Bennett

Where can I find examples of Data Management and Sharing Plans (DMP)?

Where can I find sample DMPs or boilerplate that complies with NIH requirements?
Are there specific examples available for human-subject studies that use mobile technologies?
Are there examples for studies that use mental health measures ...
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 1/30/2024 4:27:02 PM by Victoria Bennett

Is there a team at U-M that can help me with data cleanup or data analysis?

What are my options for data cleanup/analysis consultations at University of Michigan or Michigan Medicine? Are there any teams with mobile data expertise that provide either free consultations or can make fee-for-service / pay-by-the-hour arrang...
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 11/15/2023 1:01:28 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

How do I know if a participant is wearing their smartwatch?

How can I tell, by looking at the data, that a participant is actually using their smartwatch or another wearable?
2 Answers
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 2/9/2024 10:30:50 AM by Reema Kadri

How do I get started with mobile app development at University of Michigan?

Do University of Michigan or Michigan Medicine provide mobile app development services or Smartwatch app development?
What external companies can we use for mobile app development?
What kind of support can we get for publishing apps to ap...
2 Answers
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 11/15/2023 1:04:44 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

What are some example uses of Continuous Glucose Monitors in research studies?

During the 2023 MeTRIC Symposium , some presenters and attendees discussed examples of how they are using CGMs in studies that involve other mobile data and/or mental health measures. One such example was using CGM data to validate food diary en...
3 Answers
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 10/21/2024 4:21:58 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

What are the most suitable wearables for measuring physical and emotional responses during sedentary periods and during exercise?

This question was asked by Dr. Greg Rybarczyk, Ph.D., director of the GIS Program at U-M Flint.
"What are the most suitable wearables for measuring physical and emotional responses during sedentary periods and while traveling using these mode...
1 Answer
Greg Rybarczyk Last activity on 11/15/2023 12:36:01 PM by Greg Rybarczyk

How do I connect to an Oracle database from R?

Can someone share code for connecting to Oracle from R? Are there any memory limitations that one should worry about?
0 Answers
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 11/15/2023 12:54:41 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

What is the best replacement for Fitbit Charge 5?

With Fitbit Charge 5 being retired in 2023, what are the best replacement options? Will Fitbit 6 be available soon, and will it provide equivalent functionality? Are Pixel watches a more logical transition?
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco Last activity on 1/31/2024 9:49:15 AM by Nicole Eyrich

Who do I contact with questions about REDCap?

Who can I contact with general or support questions about U-M's instance of REDCap?
1 Answer
Elizabeth Hershey Last activity on 11/15/2023 12:26:56 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco

How can I record naps outside a sleep window with Apple Watch or iPhone?

This question was asked by Dr. Cathy Goldstein, MD, MS, and Yu Fang, MSE:
"We are concerned that when tracking sleep with the Apple Watch, the sleep-wake classifier is only deployed within the selected sleep schedule (set within HealthKit and...
2 Answers
Cathy Goldstein Last activity on 1/31/2024 10:06:25 AM by Nicole Eyrich