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Where can I find sample IRB language?
Where can I find sample IRB templates or boilerplate that complies with IRBMED requirements?
Are there specific examples available for human-subject studies that use mobile technologies?
Are there examples for studies that use mental heal...
Are there specific examples available for human-subject studies that use mobile technologies?
Are there examples for studies that use mental heal...
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco
Last activity on 11/28/2023 3:40:20 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco
What kind of expertise is needed to run a research study with mobile technology?
What expertise is needed for research studies that use mobile data? What kind of experts should be budgeted, and why?
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco
Last activity on 1/30/2024 4:28:49 PM by Victoria Bennett
Where can I find examples of Data Management and Sharing Plans (DMP)?
Where can I find sample DMPs or boilerplate that complies with NIH requirements?
Are there specific examples available for human-subject studies that use mobile technologies?
Are there examples for studies that use mental health measures ...
Are there specific examples available for human-subject studies that use mobile technologies?
Are there examples for studies that use mental health measures ...
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco
Last activity on 1/30/2024 4:27:02 PM by Victoria Bennett
Is there a team at U-M that can help me with data cleanup or data analysis?
What are my options for data cleanup/analysis consultations at University of Michigan or Michigan Medicine? Are there any teams with mobile data expertise that provide either free consultations or can make fee-for-service / pay-by-the-hour arrang...
1 Answer
Gabriel Mongefranco
Last activity on 11/15/2023 1:01:28 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco
How do I know if a participant is wearing their smartwatch?
How can I tell, by looking at the data, that a participant is actually using their smartwatch or another wearable?
2 Answers
Gabriel Mongefranco
Last activity on 2/9/2024 10:30:50 AM by Reema Kadri
How do I get started with mobile app development at University of Michigan?
Do University of Michigan or Michigan Medicine provide mobile app development services or Smartwatch app development?
What external companies can we use for mobile app development?
What kind of support can we get for publishing apps to ap...
What external companies can we use for mobile app development?
What kind of support can we get for publishing apps to ap...
2 Answers
Gabriel Mongefranco
Last activity on 11/15/2023 1:04:44 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco
What are some example uses of Continuous Glucose Monitors in research studies?
During the 2023 MeTRIC Symposium , some presenters and attendees discussed examples of how they are using CGMs in studies that involve other mobile data and/or mental health measures. One such example was using CGM data to validate food diary en...
3 Answers
Gabriel Mongefranco
Last activity on 10/21/2024 4:21:58 PM by Gabriel Mongefranco