Where can I find examples of Data Management and Sharing Plans (DMP)?
Where can I find sample DMPs or boilerplate that complies with NIH requirements?
Are there specific examples available for human-subject studies that use mobile technologies?
Are there examples for studies that use mental health measures and mobile data?
Are there examples for studies that use sensitive mobile data, such as detailed GPS data, app usage logs, and SensorKit data?
Answer (1)
U-M Resources
Research Data Stewardship - U-M Resources
Sample Data Management Plans (level 2 login required)
Data & Biospecimen Sharing, Office of Research
Data Sharing and Use Agreements (DUA)
Asynchronous Data Management Workshops
NIH Resources
Recommendations for writing a plan
NIH Sample Draft of Optional Format Page
Faculty with additional questions can attend monthly Data Management Office Hour or email the data team at the Taubman Health Sciences Library.