Is there a team at U-M that can help me with data cleanup or data analysis?

What are my options for data cleanup/analysis consultations at University of Michigan or Michigan Medicine? Are there any teams with mobile data expertise that provide either free consultations or can make fee-for-service / pay-by-the-hour arrangements?

Tags mobile-data data-analysis data-cleanup umichmetric
Asked by Gabriel Mongefranco on Wed 11/15/23 12:58 PM Last edited Tue 11/28/23 1:39 PM
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Answer (1)

Gabriel Mongefranco Wed 11/15/23 1:01 PM

For a complete list of services, refer to this KB article:

Data Consultation Services at University of Michigan


For fee-for-service arrangements, try CSCAR or HITS Academic IT Scientific Programming, both listed in the article. The School of Nursing's Applied Biostatistics Lab (ABL) and ITS' Advanced Research Computing (ARC) also provide consultations beyond an initial consultation, but I am not sure if they charge by the hour or how that's arranged.

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