Is it possible to freeze Fitbit device updates?

Can firmware (device software) updates be put on hold for Fitbit devices during the duration of a study?

Dr. Cathy Goldstein, faculty lead for the Mobile Technologies Core, asks: "Are we able to freeze the software version used to classify sleep from our fitbit devices for the duration of our study?"

Tags fitbit sleep-tracking device-firmware sleep-classifier
Asked by Cathy Goldstein on Mon 1/15/24 10:23 AM
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Answer (1)

Gabriel Mongefranco Mon 1/15/24 10:25 AM

There does not appear to be a way to freeze software updates on Fitbit devices. However, Fitbit rarely makes updates to things like sleep classification, and instead, focuses on bug fixes and minor improvements.

You can find details about software updates on Fitbits here:

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