Articles (12)

Cost comparison of research data storage options at U-M

Comparison of research data storage services available at UM

Getting a Great Lakes user account

This article describes how to request a Great Lakes user login by completing the online form. The term "user login" is preferred over "user account" in order to disambiguate between user access and accounts which are charged for jobs running.

Managing Research Computing allocations using the Resource Management Portal

Procedure for managing Research Computing allocations using the Resource Management Portal.

Managing Research Storage allocations using the Resource Management Portal

Procedures for managing Research Storage volumes using the Resource Management Portal (RMP)

Overview of computing on high-performance clusters for LSA users

The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts provides a cost-share of 80% for researchers in College units paying for their use of the Great Lakes cluster on unit shortcodes. LSA researchers who do not have access to any other account may be eligible to use the accounts provided centrally by LSA.

Requesting Data Den Research Archive Storage

Procedure for provisioning Data Den Research Archive storage

Requesting Locker Large-File Storage

Procedure for requesting Locker Large-File Storage.

Selecting between the Service Request System and the Resource Management Portal when managing research computing and storage services

Procedure for selecting between the Service Request System and the Resource Management Portal when managing research computing and storage services.

Training for using the Great Lakes high-performance computing cluster

Information about training sessions available for users to become familiar with the Great Lakes high-performance computing cluster

Using the Globus file transfer service

Procedure for using the Globus file transfer and sharing service.