Editing captions for lecture recordings






Editing captions

  • Visit https://leccap.engin.umich.edu/leccap/manage/site
  • Select the Recordings option for the course you would like to edit. This will take you to the full list of recordings, regardless of whether or not they have been published.
  • Select any recording, click the Edit option, then go to the Captions tab near the top of the page.
  • In the Captions tab, look for a warning banner in the Machine-Generated Captions section. Within this banner, click on the underlined text that says "they can be edited in the viewer."
  • Once in the viewer, click the Transcript Editor in the upper right corner of the screen. When clicking a line of text, the recording will start playing an excerpt of the video to allow for quick comparison. Fix anything that needs to be corrected, check the box that says Reviewed, then press Save. Once satisfied with your changes, press Save again and return to the previous page by using the back button in your browser.
  • Back in the Captions tab, check the box stating that Captions are correct, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Save again.

Requesting captions for a recording

Please note: If captions are not already set to be created automatically, they will need to be requested for the recording. 

  • Check the radial next to Machine-Generated in the About Captions module.
  • Click the button that says Request Automatic Captions.
    • The system will begin processing the captions automatically. This will take time, and you don't need to wait on this page. 
    • Once captions have been generated, you should receive a notification email stating that they are ready for review, along with a link that will direct you back to the captions page for this particular recording.
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Article ID: 9288
Tue 11/15/22 8:23 PM
Tue 7/2/24 3:07 PM