Searching in TeamDynamix




How to search in TeamDynamix, including ticket, ticket comments, users, groups, assets, and knowledge articles.


General Search in TeamDynamix TDNext

The general search allows technicians and admins to search the following:

  • Ticket, Ticket Task, Asset, Configuration Item, Project, Issue, Risk, Task, Project Request, Portfolio Issue, Portfolio Risk, Knowledge Base, Service, Service Offering, Question

To access the detailed search:

  • Click the Search tab at the right end of the tabs.
  • In the window that opens, you can click the black funnel in the upper-right corner to see many criteria.  

Note:  Using numbers to search will find tickets but will not find knowledge articles. 

Ticket Search in TeamDynamix TDNext

  • To see a full list of tickets, click Tickets in the left-hand navigation
  • To search for a ticket by ID or keyword, enter the ID or a keyword in the Search field in the upper-right corner of the screen
  • To search using more ticket criteria: 
  1. Click Tickets in the left-hand navigation
  2. Click the green funnel-shaped filter located in the upper-right of the window
  3. Click Apply

Note: Only tickets that have New, In Process or On Hold status are displayed in ticket searches by default. Update the “Current Status” field to include Closed and Cancelled tickets.

Short video about searching for tickets: TeamDynamix - Searching Filtering Tickets (Subtitled)

Searching for Comments in a TeamDynamix Ticket

Search for comments and updates in a TeamDynamix ticket:

  1. In the feed section of a ticket, choose the type of feed entry to search for:  Edit, Status Change or Comment.
  2. Click Apply

Learn more about how comments and emails work in TDX: Knowledge Article #1410 TeamDynamix Notifications: Expected Behavior of Email and Feeds.

Saved Searches in TeamDynamix

  1. In the desired ticketing application, select "Tickets" from the left hand navigation.
  2. Click the green filter icon in the upper right. 
  3. Select your criteria (note the Status field defaults to only open tickets - adjust as needed).
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click Save Search.
  6. Enter a name of the search, click Save.
  7. To access this search again, click My Saved Searches, and select based on the name.

Searches can be saved individually, but cannot be shared with other TeamDynamix Technicians. When the ability to save searches globally was on, there was a proliferation of global saved searches, rendering saved searches less useful. The ability to save searches globally has been turned off in TeamDynamix in order to facilitate the use of saved searches for all Technicians.

User and Group Search in TeamDynamix

  1. In TDNext, click on the Applications Menu (the tab with the blue grid on the top left of your screen).  (In the Client Portal, click your profile in the upper-right corner and then select Switch Portals.)
  2. Click the People app.
  3. Click PeopleGroups or Accounts in the left-hand navigation.
  4. When searching for Accounts, the green filter in the upper right provides more criteria for searches.
  5. Click Search.

Looking up a User's Group(s) in TeamDynamix

It is not possible for TDX users who are not TDX admins to get a complete list of groups for most users.  Here are ways TDX users can determine one group for a particular user.  

Use the Lookup within the Ticket Create function

  1. -> Users -> ITS Tickets Tab (or whichever ticketing app in which you need to find a user's group)
  2. New -> Request
  3. Responsible -> Update this field with the person whose groups you want to see
  4. Click the Blue Person Icon (next to the Responsible field label) to open a new window of this person's assignments
  5. See the list of groups for this person in the box on the right of the "Assignments" window
  6. Close the Assignments window, close the Ticket WITHOUT SAVING. 

Filter for other tickets that person may have been responsible for 

  1. Open ITS Tickets and click a ticket classification along the left of the screen (Incidents, Problems, etc.) that the user would have tickets in.
  2. Click the green filter icon in the upper-right corner.
  3. Under "Primary Responsibility" add the user you are looking for.
  4. Check "Include completed ticket tasks" box.
  5. Click Apply near the top.

It should show tickets that the user closed. If the ticket was assigned to a group first, and not directly to the user, the "Pri Resp" field should show a group the user is in, along with the user's name.

Use MCommunity

  1. Type in an email group name or type a keyword that is likely to be part of the group name.
  2. Click Members
  3. Find the user in question to confirm that they are in that group.  (Some email groups hide the members.)

Asset Search in TeamDynamix

  • To see a full list of tickets, click Tickets in the left-hand navigation
  • To search for a ticket by ID or keyword, enter the ID or a keyword in the Search field in the upper-right corner of the screen
  • To search using more ticket criteria: 
    • Click Tickets in the left-hand navigation
    • Click the green funnel-shaped filterlocated in the upper-right of the window
    • Click Apply

Note: Only tickets that have New, In Process or On Hold status are displayed in ticket searches by default. Update the “Current Status” field to include Closed and Cancelled tickets.

Knowledge and Services Search in the TDX Client Portal

See TeamDynamix Knowledge Article (Client Portal) Search.

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Submit a request here ITS-TeamDynamix Support.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

This service is a web-based platform that provides service management, asset management, and project management capabilities. TeamDynamix can support IT management and support functions and has capabilities that provide general customer support or management of other non-IT functions like facilities and human resources too.