I'm having problems finding articles I need in TeamDynamix. How do I search for articles I own, article numbers, or archived articles?
The main search at the top of the TeamDynamix Client Portal is a full keyword search and has added parameters to help you get to the right article. However, sometimes you would like to do a more advanced search. To do this:
- Go to teamdynamix.umich.edu
- Click Client Portal
- Click the Knowledge Base tab at the top
- When you click on Knowledge Base, a new row will show up under it. Click on the Search tab on the far right of the new row
- In the Search that comes up, you can set parameters for the search you want
- If you are looking for a group name, click on the magnifying glass next to the Owner field and do a search in the popup (group names won't resolve correctly otherwise)
- Select the group you want and it will populate the Owner field
- You can type the article ID number in the Search field to find the corresponding article
- Make any changes to the search you would like and click Search
Additional Information
For help, submit a request here: ITS-TeamDynamix Support.