Resources for Sending Mass Email Using University-Supported Services


U-M Google, email services


Attempts to send mass email from a U-M Google email account without using the proper procedures will likely result in the account being suspended for exceeding Google's sending limit. ITS has services that allow mass email may be sent without triggering alerts that flag the account and suspend its use. There are limitations and best use cases per method(s) depending on the group and needs of the service. Below are public resources that can be shared.


Targeted Email is a service that allows you to send to large groups of UM faculty staff and students, but you must request this type of message, and ITS must approve it: Targeted Email & Mailing Lists 

  • This service is for official university business only. Subject to approval, U-M departments may arrange direct access to the email campaign software to meet frequent messaging needs. It is not intended for use with emailing external (non email addresses.

ITS Authenticated SMTP is offered as an alternative to using your regular mail account for correspondence with those whose university business needs: Email Settings for Authenticated SMTP

  • Use of the ITS Authenticated SMTP service requires registration. ITS does not provide configuration assistance or additional support for using any third-party apps or clients.

MCommunity groups allow you to create a group you can add membership to and send emails using the University MCommunity directory: Managing MCommunity Groups that You Own

  • MCommunity groups must be self-managed and can contain thousands of members, including those external to the university. There is no limit to the number of members an MCommunity group may contain.

Yet Another Mail Merge (YAMM) lets you select a draft written email in Gmail, replace template keys with names and other information from a Google Sheets spreadsheet, and schedule send your message: Using YAMM (Yet Another Mail Merge) with U-M Google Mail 

  • YAMM allows you to send 1500 emails per day. This is a Google limit that cannot be modified or changed.

ITS offers a Mail Relay service that will relay mail on behalf of other machines, devices, and applications that are unable to use the Authenticated SMTP service for sending mail: Guidelines and Registration Form for Use of the ITS Mail Relay Service

  • It is not intended to relay unofficial, unsolicited bulk mail.

Additional Information

Gmail sending limits

  • Note that Google’s numbers are not always hard and fast rules.
  • The U-M Google domain is Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals.

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.

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