Instructional Services

Reference documentation for common Canvas questions and other instructional technology tools at SPH.

Articles (23)

Pinned Article Canvas: See What's New

Canvas regularly updates features available on the platform.

Canvas: Copy Materials from a Previous Semester

Copy content from a previous semester into your upcoming Canvas site in one bulk step.

Canvas: Merging Course Sections

Merge Canvas sections into a single course site in a few quick steps using the U-M Course Manager.

Canvas: Replace File Versions

Update file versions from the Canvas Files.

Panopto: Enable Panopto In Your Canvas Courses

Panopto is an SPH video tool that allows you to record your classroom lectures and post them directly to your Canvas site.

Panopto: Get Started with Classroom Recording

Follow these steps to record in SPH classrooms using the podium computer, which is outfitted with the Panopto application, video, and microphone pickup.

Poll Everywhere: Enable in PowerPoint

The Poll Everywhere PowerPoint add-in may need to be enabled when you log in to the classroom PC. If you do not see “Poll Everywhere” listed in the top ribbon follow these steps to enable it:

Zoom: Save Your Recordings Long Term

This document shares how to save Cloud recordings long-term using Dropbox and Panopto. "Local" recordings, those saved to the Host’s computer, can be manually uploaded to Dropbox or Panopto.

Log in to U-M Zoom

Learn how to log onto Zoom with SSO (Single Sign On) on Desktop client and Web portal

Enable Registration for Your Zoom Event

The University of Michigan requires passcodes on all Zoom meetings and we don't share them publicly. Instead, enable a registration for your zoom meeting that will automatically email the zoom link and passcode to the registrant.