Document versions can be quickly updated in your course for student access using the 'Replace' feature in Canvas Files.
Before You Begin:
- Update your document as needed, keeping the document filename the same when saving your changes. It must be exactly the same as the existing file for this step to work.
- Check the Canvas 'Files' menu to see if your course documents are organized in folders.
Step 1: Navigate to the 'Files' menu in your Canvas course - if the file you want to replace is located within a folder, navigate to that location.
Step 2: Click the 'Upload' button

Step 3: and browse to the updated document, click 'Open' once selected.

Step 4: Canvas should notify you that an item with that name already exists, choose 'Replace'.

NOTE: if you do not see this message, then your filename is not exactly the same, or that document is not in that location. Use the 'x' in the upper right corner to check both of these items and begin again.
Step 5: Once the file has successfully uploaded to the course 'Files', any link to this document in the course will provide the updated version.