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Technology Services guidelines for warranties with technology purchases

year warranties are chosen.  If departments do not purchase these warranties, they will be responsible for the cost of any repairs, accidental or otherwise. Environment For all LSA technology

Running Managed Software Center from a remote terminal

the computer needs to be rebooted. Notify the customer if this needs to happen, or if the computer is all set. External resources Izzy is at

Using Scrivener for book writing

files in Mac.  Do not edit the individual files; instead use the export feature. BACKUP — File > Backup will allow you to make backups of your projects.  This is suggested.  Scrivener automatically

Anaconda Python in Randall Lab supported departments

. Names and versions evolve with time; to find out what environments exist on your system, run either conda info --envs or conda env list. Permissions are configured such that users are allowed to

Publishing lecture recordings

Recordings option for the class that needs recordings published. This will open a page with all of the recordings that have been made in the site so far, regardless of their availability to viewers

Updating macOS

software up to date is a shared security responsibility that all faculty, researchers, staff, and students using U-M computers are responsible to comply with per the U-M Information Security SPG

Adding a delegate to a shared email account

the upper right under your profile picture. Click "See all settings" Go to the Accounts tab. At the bottom of the screen next to "Grant access to your account", select "Add Another Account

Installing applications with the WHE Softaculous Auto Installer

what software you want to use, you may want to request a test account. Your test account lives on a separate server and provides access to all possible Softaculous applications for you to install and

Checklist for recording lectures effectively

Microphone. All microphones in the room - worn, hand held or mounted in the ceiling - are connected to the system and must be active in order to record anything being said, even if they are not

Requesting Lecture Recording for an event or other non-class session

, please ask for Lecture Recording through your existing ticket in order to keep all communications regarding the event together and organized.  Visit Verify your

Adding managers to a Lecture Recording site

consent. Should anyone ask for this kind of access, all existing site owners/managers will be copied on the reply to make sure this is approved and expedite the process if appropriate.

Transferring Gmail and Google Drive data with Google Takeout

for all files will remain the same. If necessary, please transfer ownership of folders and files. External resources Google Takeout can also be used to create and store an offline backup of Google

Passwordstate mobile app

search to narrow down larger sets of password lists. The search will consider Name, Description and Tree Path. Please note: For security reasons, not all password lists are available to view in the

Using Virtual Sites to access your research space

may see other connection options. For example, Engineering students have connection choices for Engineering related software. If you have any questions regarding connecting or using the service please

Windows 10 license deactivated

 AnyConnect - Mac / Windows) Choose, UMVPN - All Traffic from the dropdown menu Click, Connect Use your UM credentials for the Weblogin Stay Connected to the VPN for 40-60 minutes. Windows