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Windows 11 Upgrade Process
This article walks through the process of upgrading LSA-managed Windows devices from Windows 10 to Windows 11.
Please note: This is only applicable if you have an LSA-managed Windows
Bad Request: Request Header or Cookie Too Large
When accessing a group data sharing site, students with Duo two factor login receive a 400 Bad Request error message with the description Request Header or Cookie Too Large and are unable to
Comparing columns of numbers in two documents
described in this article to show these differences and the magnitude of the differences in an easy-to-scan format.
The delta script will allow you to compare two text files consisting of columns of
DUO with AD on Ubuntu 20-22
will allow login without 2FA.
; `failmode = secure` This mode will deny access in the above cases. Misconfigurations with this setting
; enabled may result in you being locked out of your system
Wireless presentation - user friendly instructions
See attachment for step-by-step instructions for enabling wireless presentation in classrooms and other spaces equipped with Wolfvision Cynap technology
Podium computers - setup for PowerPoint with embedded clips
After downloading and launching a PowerPoint slide show with embedded clips, presenters using podium computers in classrooms and auditoriums must respond to this security message:
Click on
Enabling SSO for WordPress on WHE
), currently via OIDC or Shibboleth, to allow users to log into their WordPress website using the standard UMICH usernames and passwords. This replaces the WordPress login with the more familiar https
Kanopy - playback instructions for streamed movies
Kanopy is the University of Michigan’s preferred streaming service for movies and other media.
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Projection screen control in Tappan 180
Regularly used for History of Art lectures, Tappan 180 is a vintage classroom that has been updated with modern equipment. A potentially confusing feature is the location of the projection screen
LSA-TS Instructional Computing - primary responsibilities
The LSA-TS Instructional Computing team provides support for centrally managed computers and Wolfvision Cynap devices in classrooms, auditoriums, instructional labs, conference rooms, and various
Connecting your Owl device to the MSetup wireless network
The only way an Owl device can currently connect to the university wireless network to download updates, is to connect to the MSetup network. This article will help you get connected
Microphone makes a clicking or rattling noise
With regular prolonged usage, wireless lapel microphones may begin to generate a crackling, popping or rattling noise as a small cartridge within the microphone capsule gradually loosens. Sometimes
Projector is on but won’t project
If the projection has been powered on but no source is selected,
it’s possible to jump to the conclusion that the projector didn’t turn on.
Check to see if the projector's glowing lens
The Rothschild lab is in the Department of Psychology in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA). The CLIF Note linked below will provide you with general information as well as some
Using Google Colaboratory with Google Drive
You may be prompted to allow the connection to Google Drive, if so, allow it.
Google Colaboratory is now connected to your Google Drive, and you can open, save, and edit files from