Canvas: How Can Students Share Files For A Course?


U-M Google


Is there a way for students to share files (a Google doc, PDF, etc) with other students in a course?


Students can share files with classmates via the following options:

Option 1: Canvas Discussions

  • Create a discussion board for students to share and discuss files
  • Students can:
    • Upload files (PDF's or Word documents) directly to their posts
    • Share links to Google Drive or Dropbox
    • Embed images or MiVideo media
    • Comment on each other's shared materials
  • Can be set up for the whole class or specific groups

Option 2: Group Files in Canvas

  • Create student groups in Canvas
  • Each group gets a shared file space (50 MB storage limit)
  • All group members can upload and view files
  • Can create one large group for whole-class sharing

Option 3: Perusall

  • Available in all Canvas courses
  • Instructor creates a student upload folder
  • Students can view and comment on each other's uploads
  • Useful for peer review activities

Option 4: Google Drive with MCommunity

  • Create a MCommunity group for the course.
  • Students share Google files with the MCommunity group using the group email
  • All group members get access automatically
  • This method uses U-M Google Drive

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