How Can Students Share Files For A Course?


U-M Google


Is there a way for students to share files (a Google doc, PDF, etc) with other students in a course?


For a single assignment in Canvas

Create a graded or ungraded Canvas discussion. A discussion can be available to the entire course or assigned to specific student groups. Students are able to view replies from other students in their group.

Students can reply to the discussion using the text editor which allows for embedding a file or link to the file from:

Use Canvas Group Files as a shared repository

Students are not able to upload files to the Course Files repository, however they can upload to Group Files. Note: by default, each group is allotted 50 MB of storage space in Canvas.

1. Create a Group Set and one or more Groups. Add students to the groups. To create one Group Files for the entire course, create one group and add all students to the group.

2. Each group has a Group Files repository. Students can upload and view files in the Group Files.

3. If the course contains only one Group Files, to make navigation to the files easier for students to locate, create a redirect link in the course navigation bar.

  • Navigate to the Group Files repository and copy the URL.
  • The URL will look something like "". 
  • See the Adding a Redirect URL article.

Create a student upload folder in Perusall

Instructors have the ability to create a student upload folder that will enable students to upload materials to their course. Students can view each others’ uploads and the instructor can even then assign them to the class as a peer review exercise. Perusall is available in all Canvas courses. See the Perusall webpage to learn more.

Share U-M Google files with an MCommunity Course Group

Note: This option is external to Canvas.

Create an MCommunity group for the course. Students then share a U-M Google file with the MCommunity group using the group email address. Everyone in the MCommunity group will have access to the file.

Additional Information

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center