MiVideo: Edit a Playlist in Canvas and Mediaspace


MiVideo Mediaspace

Playlists organize media into easy to browse collections so viewers don’t have to search to find related media. Multiple playlists can be created and the position media appear in the playlist can be ordered. See related Playlist articles for more information about these compilations.


How to edit a Canvas Media Gallery playlist, Mediaspace channel playlist, or Mediaspace personal playlist. Make setting changes and add, remove, and reorder playlist media.

Video Demo

Create and Edit Channel Playlists


Canvas: Media Gallery Playlist

Teachers, TAs, and designers can edit a Media Gallery playlist.

  1. Navigate to Media Gallery > Channel Actions  > Edit > Playlists tab > pencil icon next to the playlist.
  2. The following information is displayed and can be edited:
  • Title: To change the playlist title/name, enter a new name in the text box and click Save.
  • Description: To update the playlist description, modify the description in the text box and click Save.
  • Tags:  To add playlist tags enter a tag name in the text box and click Enter. To delete tags click the X next to the tag name. Click Save when done.
  1. Add, remove, and reorder playlist media, see the Playlist Media articles.

Mediaspace: Channel Playlist

Only channel managers can edit a channel playlist.

  1. Navigate to the user drop-down menu > My Channels > edit pencil icon > Playlists tab > pencil icon next to the playlist.
  2. The following information is displayed and can be edited:
    • Title: To change the playlist title/name, enter a new name in the text box and click Save.
    • Description: To update the playlist description, modify the description in the text box and click Save.
    • Tags:  To add playlist tags enter a tag name in the text box and click Enter. To delete tags click the X next to the tag name. Click Save when done.
  3. Add, remove, and reorder playlist media, see the Playlist Media articles.

Mediaspace: Personal Playlist

Only you can edit your personal playlist.

  1. Navigate to the user drop-down menu > My Playlists > pencil icon under the playlist.
  2. The following information is displayed and can be edited:
    • Title: To change the playlist title/name, enter a new name in the text box and click Save.
    • Description: To update the playlist description, modify the description in the text box and click Save.
    • Tags:  To add playlist tags enter a tag name in the text box and click Enter. To delete tags click the X next to the tag name. Click Save when done.
  3. Add, remove, and reorder playlist media, see the Playlist Media articles.

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center