Kaltura Capture Desktop Recorder
MiVideo Mediaspace
How to use Kaltura Capture Desktop Recorder, a software application for Windows and MacOS, that provides a variety of recording and annotation tools. The recording is saved locally on your computer and can be uploaded to your My Media library. Recordings can include any combination of two sources (screens or webcams) plus audio, including any displayed presentation slides.
Video Demos
Using Kaltura Capture for Asynchronous Video In Canvas
Overview: Kaltura Capture
How to Set the Recording Options in Kaltura Capture
How to Set and Create a Presentation Recording with Kaltura Capture
Before You Begin
- Kaltura Capture is a software application for both Windows and MacOS computers.
- Administrator permissions are not needed to install Kaltura Capture.
- Verify system requirements, see Kaltura's Prerequisites and system requirements article. MacOS 10.13 is not supported. If you're running Mac OS 10.13.6, please upgrade your computer. See Apple's system requirements to upgrade to MacOS 10.14 Mojave. If you are unable to upgrade your Mac, the QuickTime player provides a screen recorder.
- For short recordings consider using Express Capture (see the Kaltura Express Capture article) which is a browser-based recorder available in the Add New drop-down list.
Best Practices
- Keep it short!
- Consider making more shorter recordings instead of one long lecture recording. This helps you keep your audience's attention and makes it easier on you for editing, and recovering from errors (for example, not having the right mic selected).
- Edit in Post Production
- If you make a mistake during a recording, just keep recording, take a pause and reset, and pick up where you left off. You can edit out the bad spots with the Kaltura Video Editor.
- Always SAVE A COPY when editing. It’s faster, and it keeps your original media intact.
- See the Video Editor article.
- Work Ahead and Have Patience!
- Media processing can take up to ten times the duration of your recording before your video is ready to be published.
- Work ahead and set your students’ expectations appropriately for when the media will be available for viewing
- Prevent Memory Errors in Capture
- Shut down all software and browser tabs not needed before you begin recording. Leaving your Gmail running in the browser consumes a lot of memory, so make sure it is shut down.
- Check Devices and Settings
- Check your microphone in the Capture application to be sure the right device is selected.
- Check your settings before recording, see the "Kaltura Capture Library and Settings" section below.
Install Kaltura Capture
Install the Kaltura Capture application for Windows and MacOS.
Install from Canvas
- Navigate to Account > My Media > Add New > Kaltura Capture.
- Click the link for MacOS or Windows to download the software. MacOS 10.13 is not supported. If you're running Mac OS 10.13.6, please upgrade your computer. See Apple's system requirements to upgrade to MacOS 10.14 Mojave. If you are unable to upgrade your Mac, the QuickTime player provides a screen recorder.
- Install the software
- Windows: Double-click the download to install.
- MacOS: Double-click on the .dmg file to open. Drag the Kaltura Capture application icon to the Applications folder.
- Check your settings before recording, see the "Kaltura Capture Library and Settings" section below.
Install from Mediaspace
- Navigate to Add New > Kaltura Capture.
- Note: If you are logged in and cannot find the Add New menu you may not have the necessary upload rights, or your site is using a special layout. Contact your Mediaspace site admin for help.
- Click the link for MacOS or Windows to download the software. MacOS 10.13 is not supported. If you're running Mac OS 10.13.6, please upgrade your computer. See Apple's system requirements to upgrade to MacOS 10.14 Mojave. If you are unable to upgrade your Mac, the QuickTime player provides a screen recorder.
- Install the software
- Windows: Double-click the download to install.
- MacOS: Double-click on the .dmg file to open. Drag the Kaltura Capture application icon to the Applications folder.
- Check your settings before recording, see the "Kaltura Capture Library and Settings" section below.
Launch Kaltura Capture
Launch Kaltura Capture from the Add New drop-down menu. DO NOT launch Capture from your desktop. Each time you launch the software it must be through the Add New menu so that your recording becomes associated with your user ID to be uploaded to your My Media.
- Your computer may prompt you to authorize access to your camera, microphone, and screen. You must authorize all three, even if you don’t plan to use all devices. You can shut off the device you don’t want when you start a recording.
- You may see a warning indicating the device is low on memory when recording. For best recording results, close out of all applications you do not need for the recording, including browser tabs such as Gmail. See the Kaltura Capture reports available memory warnings article for more details.
Launch from Canvas
- Navigate to Account > My Media > Add New > Kaltura Capture.
Launch from Mediaspace
- Navigate to Add New > Kaltura Capture.
- Note: If you are logged in and cannot find the Add New menu you may not have the necessary upload rights, or your site is using a special layout. Contact your Mediaspace site admin for help.
Create a Recording
The software can record up to two inputs plus audio at one time (two camera inputs, two screens, or a camera and a screen at one time along with an audio input).
- Setup your inputs for Screen, Camera, and Audio by clicking the downward arrow for each option. If you have multiple inputs you will see them in the drop-down list.
- To select multiple screens, leave the default screen selected under Screen, and click the Camera drop-down list to select the second screen from the input source. Note the Camera icon will change to a Screen icon
- To select multiple Cameras, leave the default camera selected under Camera, and click the Screen drop-down and select the second camera from the input source. Note the Screen icon will change to a Camera icon
- Click on the Screen, Camera, or Audio icons to disable that input source. Note the disabled icons will display crossed out.
- To record audio only, disable all other inputs.
Note: In a 2-source recording, the input on the left side of the shuttle is the primary video, the right input is the secondary video. In the media player viewers can switch between picture-in-picture (viewers can toggle which input appears as primary and which as secondary), single view (which displays only one source and can be toggled), and side by side (which displays both sources next to each other).
- Kaltura Capture can record any displayed presentation slides. Before or after starting the recording, open the slide deck in SlideShow or Present view. If the presentation is in MS PowerPoint, Kaltura Capture will automatically add chapters with timestamps for each slide to the recording. The slide text is indexed and searchable.These slides can be found in the menu on the player during viewing. Google Slides and Apple Keynote can also be used to record presentations, however Kaltura Capture will not automatically add chapters to these slides.
- To be recorded, the slides must be open on a screen that is being recorded.
- Slides will not be recorded if MS PowerPoint is open in Protected Mode.
- Click the red button to start recording.
- A brief countdown clock appears and then the recording begins.
- Record your video.
- To annotate your video, click the annotations pencil icon in the recording shuttle to open the annotations options.
- Click the pencil icon again when finished annotating to return to cursor mode. Annotations are available for screen recordings only.
Kaltura Capture Recording Shuttle Interface in Recording Mode

Annotations Options

- To pause the recording at any point, click the recording button in the shuttle. Click the button again to resume recording.
- When finished, press the stop recording button.
- You will be prompted to confirm you would like to stop the recording.
- The Edit Entry page is displayed.
- Modify the Title in the text box (optional).
- Enter the media Description in the text box (optional).
- To add media Tags enter a tag name in the text box then click Enter (optional).
- Select Save & Upload.
- Other options are available:
- Delete: Deletes the recording.
- Save & Upload: Upload to your My Media.
- Save: Saves to the Kaltura Capture Library on your computer.
Tip: return to the Kaltura Capture Library anytime to upload or delete saved recordings.
Once the recording is uploaded, you'll find it in your My Media library. A link to the media can also be found for the entry in the Kaltura Capture Library.
Kaltura Capture Library and Settings
You can view your Kaltura Capture Library at any time to manage your saved recordings. Click the Manage link under the Kaltura logo on the right side of the recording shuttle to open the Library view.
The following options can be performed within the library.
- Delete a media item. Caution: verify the video has been uploaded to My Media and is a good copy before deleting the file from your computer as there is no way to recover the file once deleted.
- Upload a media item to your My Media library.
- Re-Upload a media item. Use this option if the original attempted upload fails.
- Preview the media by clicking on the media title and then clicking the play icon.
- Edit the Title, Description, and Tags of a media item that has not yet been uploaded by clicking on the media title.
Settings can be accessed from the Kaltura Capture Library by clicking the settings gear icon. The following settings can be adjusted:
- Camera recording quality and Screen recording quality: Setting to 720p is usually sufficient and provides better overall performance over using the higher 1080p resolution. Don't set your screen recording lower than 720p so you don't lose detail.
- Record system audio: MacOS natively does not support recording system audio. If you need this feature please seek assistance from the ITS MiVideo support team by submitting a request to the ITS Service Center.
- Recording name prefix: Names of the recordings will contain the prefix in the front.
- Highlight Cursor: The location on the screen where the cursor is clicked will be highlighted during recording.
- Auto minimize when recording: Minimizes the Kaltura Capture app.
- Collect and upload app logs: If you are having an issue with Kaltura Capture you may be advised by the ITS-MiVideo team to enable this setting and submit the logs for troubleshooting.
Exit Kaltura Capture
Completely close out of the Kaltura Capture application.
Closing the application window does not exit the application.
- Navigate to the system tray and right click on the Kaltura Capture icon.
- Select Quit.
- Right click on the Kaltura Capture application in the Dock.
- Choose Quit from the context menu.
Resources and Questions
For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center