Other third party tools in Canvas
Where you expect to see a video or other third party content in Canvas, you see a warning about third party cookies instead.
Example: MiVideo warning:
It seems your browser is blocking 3rd party session cookies which are required for the Kaltura application. To resolve this issue, please update your browser settings for Chrome, Safari for MacOS, Safari for iOS, Firefox, and Internet Explorer to allow 3rd party cookies.
Adjust cookie settings in your browser to either permit all cookies, or to allow the specific domains listed below.
Allow only specific domains in browsers that support this feature
Canvas settings, all campuses (Ann Arbor, Dearborn, Flint)
- [*.]instructure.com
- [*.]kaltura.com
- [*.]umich.edu
Dearborn campus - additional settings
- [*.]umdearborn.edu
- [*].evaluationkit.com
Flint campus - additional settings
Resources and Questions
For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center