MiVideo: Importing Media Gallery In Canvas Displays Empty List Or Faculty Shared Repository Only




While attempting to import MiVideo media and playlists from one course's Media Gallery into another, no courses are shown. The list may be empty or display "Faculty Shared Repository" only.

screenshot showing the lack of courses available to import from


This issue is can be resolved by deleting all the Kaltura LTI app tokens in Canvas and re-authorizing your account.

  1. In Canvas navigate to Account > Settings
  2. Scroll down to the Approved Integrations section
  3. Look for the app token Kaltura

Screenshot of the Kaltura app token in account settings

  1. If present, delete the Kaltura token by clicking the trash can icon
    1. If there are more than one Kaltura tokens, delete them all
  2. Look for the Kaltura Media Gallery U of Michigan token and delete by clicking the trash can icon

Screenshot of the Kaltura Media Gallery U of Michigan app token in account settings

  1. Navigate back to the course's Media Gallery and re-authorize Kaltura (this should create a new Kaltura Media Gallery U of Michigan LTI token in Account Settings)

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center

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Related Articles (2)

How to import the media from one course’s Media Gallery into another, as long as you are an Instructor or Instructional Designer for both courses. Importing a course’s Media Gallery can save time over selecting individual media files to add to a new course.