What options are available for publishing my Lecture Recordings?

CAEN's Lecture Recording Service (https://caen.engin.umich.edu/lecrecording/lecture-capture/) was built to help instructors have a fully automated, hands-off approach to lecture recording and distribution. However, a site owner/manager may wish to adjust the default publishing options of a site.

Things to know when configuring your site:

  • A recording needs to be published before it can be viewed.
  • Viewers are any individuals permitted to watch a Lecture Recording. Permission to view can be granted via site settings, a linked Canvas Course site, and/or the course roster.
  • Auto-post is a site setting that controls whether new recordings are automatically published or not.

Here is an overview of your options:

  • For sites requested via one of our forms, the default site setting is Auto post on. As recordings are made, the recording is published about an hour after it was recorded. You can choose to edit these recordings, unpublish them, or delete them. Most instructors stick with this default setting, and all students will be able to watch the lectures as they are made.
  • For sites automatically set up, the default setting is Auto post off. As recordings are made, the recording remains in an unpublished state, and no one can watch the video. You will then have to publish the recording.

Here are additional articles about publishing options for Lecture Recordings:

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