How do I share all of my Lecture Recordings with specific viewers?

By default, Lecture Recordings are available to all students enrolled in the course, directly or through Canvas (if linked). If you want to limit access to specific individuals and/or specific recordings, you will need to make some changes.

To manage which viewers can access published recordings for your course, follow these steps:

  1. Go to to view the list of all Lecture Recording sites you manage.
  2. Select the Site Info option attached to any course.
  3. Locate the Permissions module at the bottom of the left column.
  4. Check the box for Explicit Permissions Only.
  5. While still on the Site Info page, select Add People & Groups in the Permissions module.
  6. Enter the uniqname(s) of anyone you wish to grant viewing access to all published Lecture Recordings.
  7. Click the Add button.
  8. Click Save.

Once finished, only the users that you have specifically added as viewers will be able to view published recordings when provided with a Lecture Recording’s URL or by following the navigation tab from Canvas (if linked).

When you are ready to remove that access, simply click the red x next to any name in the Permitted Viewers list, and again scroll to the bottom of the page and press Save.

If your Lecture Recording site is not connected to Canvas, you will need to provide each viewer with a link to the recordings. This is found at the top of the SIte Info page. In the General Options box in the top left column, find and copy the link listed for Recording Index URL. Send this link to anyone that has been granted viewing access.

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Article ID: 8719
Fri 8/19/22 4:33 PM
Mon 10/30/23 3:26 PM