How do I set my Lecture Recording site to automatically publish recordings?

CAEN Lecture Recording sites can automatically publish recordings (or "Auto-post") after they are made, or leave them unpublished until the site owner/manager manually publishes them as desired.

To change a recording site's Auto-post setting, follow these steps:

  1. Log into CAEN's Lecture Recording Management website (
  2. Click the Site Info link for the course you would like to change the auto-post setting.
  3. Locate the Other Options module, and select one of the following options from the Auto-post Recordings drop-down menu:
    • Off (default) - Recordings will need to be published in order to be viewed.
    • On - When a recording is made, it will automatically be published. Anyone with access to the site can view it.
    • On, auto-trim based on audio - A recording will automatically be published, but the system will try to determine when to trim the beginning and end of the recording and apply those cuts. Since most rooms have backup/ceiling microphones, this setting may not work as expected and therefore is no longer recommended.


Note: A recording can be viewed only if it is published.


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Article ID: 7076
Mon 1/24/22 6:01 AM
Tue 9/19/23 7:01 AM