Google: Sign In to Mail/Gmail/Email on the Web


U-M Google, Mail, Gmail


How do I log in to my U-M Google Mail (Gmail) via the web? 


ITS recommends using only a web browser or applications/clients created and supported by Google to connect to U-M Google accounts (including Google Mail). Using third-party apps or clients (created by a group or company other than Google, such as Apple or Microsoft) can lead to unexpected results, including the risk of data loss.

ITS does not provide configuration assistance or additional support for using third-party apps/clients with U-M Google accounts, except for Mozilla Thunderbird, and recommends it only to assist with accessibility issues.

To log in to your U-M Google Mail on the web:

  1. Go to using a web browser.
  2. Enter your uniqname and UMICH password via U-M Weblogin. (You may need to authenticate using Duo two-factor authentication, too.)

You will then be routed to your U-M Google Mail.

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.

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This article provides steps for accessing your U-M Google Mail (Gmail) on a mobile phone or tablet.
This article provides information on how to easily configure the Mozilla Thunderbird mail client to connect to a U-M Google Mail account.
This article provides additional information about the use of third-party mail clients or apps to access a U-M Google Mail account.