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Using the WHE admin page

programs, and just about anything else you need related to your account. Environment LSA cPanel environment Directions Access Your admin page is available at http://name-of-your-site:2083

Epson projector remote controls

orange button indicates an earlier vintage remote which is less likely to function properly (or at all) with newer model Epson projectors.  Note that we now have separate bins in AH G197 for

Managing MPrint queues

printing ... IP address if available. Support Info allows you to add a message regarding the current status of the printer. Say for example if the printer is out of service waiting for a part. Queue

Print Jobs Pausing

printing ... Summary Get windows print jobs to print without pausing once they are sent to the print queue. Environment Windows Directions What is causing the print jobs to pause After updates

Editing the address book in a Xerox WorkCentre

printing ... Summary This document discusses how to edit the address book in the Xerox WorkCentre multifunction printer. Objective Edit the address book in the Xerox WorkCentre multifunction printer

Managing participants in research studies with Ripple

participants in research studies.  It helps research teams create and manage their participant recruitment campaigns as well as all post-enrollment processes, such as tracking appointments and study

Requesting Lecture Recording for a class

Summary Instructions for requesting Lecture Recording.  Please note: Due to the growing demand for Lecture Recording and the increase in available options, all requests need to come through the

Building macOS machines in Izzy for HLT

Izzy Documentation on how to build a Mac, noting the preferred options for the Izzy configuration section below: Please note:  HLT submits all serial numbers for MDM assignment to the Izzy

Updating LSA-managed Windows devices

security responsibility that all faculty, researchers, staff, and students using U-M computers are responsible to comply with, per the U-M Information Security SPG 601.27 and Responsibilities

Re-Syncing Windows login with Kerberos password

only U-M traffic or All Traffic) After connecting to VPN they may get a pop up notification saying their password needs to be synced Have user lock their screen using Ctrl+Alt+Del and

Preparing your computer for overseas travel

computer, the following steps should be taken to ensure all things will continue to function, and LSA Technology Services staff are able to assist users remotely should something go wrong

Linux boot time

Issue This article discusses how to determine when a Linux machine was last restarted or rebooted. Environment RHEL, Ubuntu Resolution It is reasonable to expect all of these commands

Validating a webpage

, especially since different browsers treat code errors differently. Validating the code is one step in making sure your webpage can be viewed by all browsers. It can also catch errors that are easy to overlook

Installing university licensed software on LSA-managed Windows computers

the background.  During this time, you may continue to use your device. You may select and install multiple applications at the same time.  Software Center will queue all selected titles to be

Connecting a laptop computer to a projector or digital display

check box labeled “Use Presenter View”. Nearby will be the choice of which monitor to display on. Nothing at all. There is no image on the projector. This can be because the projector is set to the