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Explaining LSA TS web services

data is not allowed. Our cPanel license requires that all sites must be used for not-for-profit/academic type sites related to the University of Michigan. Hosting: This service is hosted on the ITS

Student requests for class Lecture Recording

decide if, how, and when their recordings are made available. Students are advised to get in touch with the instructor for their course to request access to any recordings that have been made, or to ask for lecture recording to occur. All content is created with the instructor's consent.

Managing PI or Manager's approval limits in the Online Purchasing System

, select the Preferences item. In the box under Choose PI, type the uniqname and click on the name from the list that displays. In the Waive all orders below this order total box type the amount the

Making web sites accessible

Summary Accessibility is about ensuring all users, including those with disabilities, have equal access to the content of the website, regardless of how they access it. They may use: Screen

Finding LSA website (AEM) training and support materials

new Touch UI Tagging people or news articles Setting news to publish at a future date Additional Metadata — Adobe Experience Manager, umich website, web site, web editor, AEM Author

Determining your Wi-Fi signal strength (RSSI)

Windows WifiInfoView is a free application for Windows which can, among other measurements, display the RSSI of all networks detected by your computer. Installation and Use of WifiInfoView

MAC - Font Installation Issue

Discovered on an izzy built mac that a user can't install fonts for the "Current User". The fonts must be installed for All Users. ... Installation tab Change from "Current User" to "All Users"  Test the font install, an Admin password will need to be entered

Decommissioning Webapps-based websites

process for all websites.) Environment Webapps-hosted websites. Directions Identifying who can make changes We usually don't have administrative access rights to the unit's webapps or

Configuring the iSpy IP camera software for research labs

the following directory structure: NamedVideoFolder/video/cmr-mfarquha01/videoFile. For multi camera setup, all videos from one camera are saved under that camera's name within inside the video sub

Movie subtitling software eliminates letters with diacritical markings

In a multicultural educational environment, especially film-related courses where English-speaking students are expected to identify characters by name, participate in discussion and write essays on ... generally do not "translate". For example: Šaran becomes aran,  Šimáček becomes imaek and Čížek becomes iek. In a multicultural educational environment, especially film-related courses where English-speaking

CCCB 3460 - cell phones and chargers fall inside powered tables

Sometimes students attempting to charge their cell phones accidentally drop the device inside of powered tables in CCCB 3460. That is because the furniture installers left almost all of the charging

Setting up Brother P-touch label printer to network print

printing ... steps in the Printing TDX QR Asset Labels Directions  Download the Printer Setting Tool from Brother’s website  After the program is installed, connect the printer to your computer

Purchasing retired tech hardware from Property Dispo

email to create a ticket with LSA Facilities. Tech Services can only help with items that they would typically collect for disposal, all else should go to facilities

Google Thunderbird Export For Physics Student Services Office

shared inbox used for recruitment & communication with students. This email was over the 16GB limit imposed by the Google Storage Project. All email previous to 4/1/24 have been exported using Google

Decommissioning AFS-based websites

). (Instructions on decommissioning webapps-based websites are also available, as is a generic process for all websites.)   Environment AFS-hosted websites.   Directions Identifying who can make