MiVideo Mediaspace
I copied a Zoom recording to MiVideo, uploaded the Zoom VTT captions file, and now I'm unable to make edits to the captions with the Captions Editor. The Captions Editor loads, however the Editor does not recognize the content I'm typing.
There is a 64 character per block limit set in the Captions Editor. This limit follows these accessibility guidelines:
- maximum 2 lines on the screen at a time
- maximum 32 characters in a line (including spaces)
VTT files are not always compliant with these guidelines and could have more than 64 characters per block. The Editor prevents additional characters to be typed in a block once the limit is reached.
There are a couple options.
Option 1: Order MiVideo Captions
Once the Zoom recording is copied to MiVideo, new machine-generated captions are automatically ordered from MiVideo. If the video was added to MiVideo prior to auto machine captions being enabled, you can manually order machine captions, see the Order Captions for Media article for more info.
Option 2: Text Alignment
This is a good option if the Zoom captions are more accurate or if you have already edited and corrected these captions in Zoom.
Rather than downloading the Zoom VTT captions file, download the text transcript file. The transcript file can be edited as necessary. Make sure to save the file as a plain text file. Then sync the transcript file with the video, creating a new compliant SRT captions file. See the Fix Out of Sync Closed Captions in MiVideo article to learn how to sync a transcript file.
Resources and Questions
For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center