MiVideo: Search and Filter Personal Playlists


MiVideo Mediaspace

Playlists organize media into easy to browse collections so viewers don’t have to search to find related media. Multiple playlists can be created and the position media appear in the playlist can be ordered. See related Playlist articles for more information about these compilations.


Search and filter personal playlists in MiVideo Mediaspace. 


  1. Navigate to the user drop-down menu > My Playlists
  2. Search and filter to quickly find your media:
    1. Enter a Search term in the text box. Search for words in playlist names, tags, or both. Press Enter.
      • If you are looking for a specific term, place it between double quotes.
    2. Use the Filters at the top of the page to locate your media
      • Filter based on creation date and ownership.
  3. Sort By search results based on date or alphabetically.
  4. When you have a lot of media, click the Collapsed view icon to toggle the display. Click the Detailed view icon to return to the default thumbnail display

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center