Share Google Form Responses and Attachments


U-M Google, Google Forms, Google Drive


How can I share Google Form responses and uploaded attachments with other people?


Google Form responses and attachments (e.g., file uploads) are available only to the owner and collaborators by default.

  • Both the owner and collaborators will have the ability to view and delete these form responses
  • The form responses can be viewed from the "Responses" tab for the Google Form or from the associated Google Sheet used to capture the responses
  • Similarly, the form attachments can be viewed from the "Responses" tab or from the associated Google Drive folder for storing the files uploaded by the respondents
    • The form attachments are also linked in the Google Sheet used for responses; however, they can only be accessed if the Google Drive folder is shared as well

If someone should only be able to view the responses, then it will be best to share the associated Google Sheet and/or Google Drive folder for the Google Form per the instructions provided below. Please note that only the owner or collaborators with sharing permissions of the Form can perform these steps.

How to Share Google Form Responses:

  1. Select the "Responses" tab for the Google Form
  2. Click the Google Sheets icon near the top of the page to open the responses Google Sheet
  3. Click the "Share" button in the top-right corner of the Google Sheet
  4. Add the people you'd like to share the responses with and click "Send" 

How to Share Google Form Attachments:

  1. Select the "Responses" tab for the Google Form
  2. Navigate to the attachment section of the Google Form responses
  3. Click "View Folder" in the top-right corner of the file upload section to open the Google Drive folder
  4. Click the folder name near the top of the page, then select "Share" from the menu
  5. Add the people you'd like to share the responses with and click "Send" 

Additional Information

Note: The "Upload" option in Google Forms will not be available if the Form is stored in a Google shared drive. This means that there will be no ability to collect and share Google Form attachments.

More information on how to share files in Google can be found at

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.

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Related Articles (2)

This article provides information on why you are receiving the "no longer accepting responses" error on a Google Form you own.
This article includes information on why the "File upload" option is unavailable for Google Forms stored in Google shared drives.