U-M Dropbox
How do I sign in to U-M Dropbox?
- Go to dropbox.umich.edu.
- Log in to U-M Weblogin with your uniqname and password.
You should be taken to the Dropbox homepage.
Additional Information
You can also log in to U-M Dropbox at dropbox.com, but we highly advise against it.
- Enter your @umich.edu email address in the Email field, and it will switch to "Single sign-on enabled."
- Click Continue with single sign-on to log in via U-M Weblogin.
- Do not choose "Sign in with Google" or "Sign in with Apple".
- If you choose "Sign in with Google," it will take you through to U-M Weblogin and Duo two-factor authentication, but it will place you back to the Dropbox login screen stating, "Your team has single sign-on. Click Continue below to sign in."
- If you have an Apple ID using @umich.edu and choose "Sign in with Apple," you will get a pop-up that reads, "Dropbox Business users can't sign in with Apple. Please sign in with your email and password." You should enter your U-M email address in the address field, and it will switch to "Single sign-on enabled." Click Continue to log in via U-M Weblogin.
Please visit the following site for more information: https://its.umich.edu/communication/collaboration/dropbox.
Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.