MiVideo: Delete Captions


MiVideo Mediaspace


How to delete media captions from Canvas or MiVideo Mediaspace.

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How to Delete Captions from MiVideo and Canvas


To delete captions files you must be the media owner or co-editor. See the Collaboration and Roles article to learn how to add co-editors to media. 

Caution: You will not be able to re-order machine-generated captions for this media entry. If captions are inaccurate, try editing the captions instead (see the Edit Captions article). If captions are out of sync, try re-syncing the file instead (see the Edit Captions Outside of MiVideo or Fix Out of Sync Captions article).


  1. Navigate to AccountMy Media > pencil icon next to the media item. or from the Media page, click Actions > Edit.
  2. Click the Captions tab.
  3. Click the X next to the .srt captions file to delete it (WARNING: this action is permanent. You may want to download the file for backup first).
  4. Click the Attachments tab.
  5. If they exist, delete both the .json and .txt files (these are the transcript files).


  1. Navigate to the user drop-down menu > My Media > pencil icon next to the media item, or from the Media page, click Actions > Edit.
  2. Click the Captions tab.
  3. Click the X next to the .srt captions file to delete it (WARNING: this action is permanent. You may want to download the file for backup first).
  4. Click the Attachments tab.
  5. If they exist, delete both the .json and .txt files (these are the transcript files).

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center