Publish and Share MiVideo Media Outside of Canvas (From a Mediaspace)


MiVideo Mediaspace


Use Case Examples

  • Share your video outside of Canvas without users having to login to view them (anonymous, “users with the link” access)
  • Embed your video on a webpage
  • Share your videos with U-M users (users must login)

Video Demo

Publishing Media Outside Canvas


Canvas Considerations

It is not recommended to share the same video externally when it is (or will be) published in a Canvas course. Instead, make a copy and share the copy. 

  1. MiVideo Mediaspace: user drop-down menu > My Media
  2. Find the video you want to share externally
  • Tip: use the search and filters button to help you find the media quickly. 
  1. Click the pencil icon at the far right to go to edit mode
  2. Click the Launch Editor button near the bottom right corner of the video player
  3. Without making any changes, click on Save A Copy at the top of the editor window
  4. Enter a new name for the copy (.e.g "My Video - External Version")
  5. At the bottom of the confirmation dialog window, click the Go To My Media link at the bottom
  6. It will take a little while for the copy to generate. When it is done, it's ready for publishing and/or embedding

Publishing Options

There are different ways to share your video. Choose the one(s) that work for your needs. Contact the ITS Service Center if you have sharing needs not covered below.


This is the default option. Media will only be seen on your My Media page and is not viewable by others unless they are a collaborator on the media item.

Unlisted Publishing (Users With The Link)

Reminder: If the video is (or will be) published in Canvas, be sure you are working with a copy.

Important: Anyone who has the link can view the media, regardless if they are affiliated with the University.

  • Your media content should be for academic use and adhere to the University’s acceptable use policies as covered in the Standard Practice Guide and elsewhere
  • Users must have the link to view the video
  • Videos published as Unlisted are not searchable in the MiVideo site
  • Anyone who has the link can share it with anyone else
  • Unlisted videos cannot be published in other MiVideo categories or channels
How to Publish As Unlisted
  1. MiVideo Mediaspace: user drop-down menu > My Media
  2. Click the video title to view the video playback page. This is what your users will see when the video is published
  3. Validate the page content
  4. Check your spelling, description, etc.
  5. Make sure there is no “appears in” field displayed. If you see that, the video is already published in those locations
    1. If you make the video unlisted you will be unpublishing it from those places
  6. If you need to make any edits or order captions, click the Actions button below the video and choose the desired option
    1. See the Captions articles for information about ordering captions
    2. See the Edit Media articles for information about editing media details
  7. To publish the video, click Actions > Publish
  8. Select the Unlisted status and click Save
  9. Once you receive the confirmation message that the video has been set to unlisted, you can share the link as desired

Publishing in a Channel

A channel is a type of folder in the Mediaspace site that requires users to login with U-M Weblogin to view the videos in it. Videos you published in Canvas can be safely published in a channel without having to create copies. See the Create a Channel article for information about creating a channel.

Publish media to the channel from within My Media
  1. MiVideo Mediaspace: user drop-down menu > My Media
  2. Check the box(es) for each media item you want to publish
  3. Actions > Publish
  4. Select the Published radio button
  5. Select the Publish in Channel tab
  6. Check the boxes next to the channel(s) in which you want to publish in
  7. Click Save
  8. A confirmation message is displayed at the bottom of the page when saving is complete
Sharing Channel and/or Channel Media
  • You can share the link to the channel by copying its URL from the address bar.
  • To share individual media links, click the video in the channel as if to play it and copy it’s URL from the address bar or the Share link. 
  • Don’t forget that anyone who can login with UM weblogin can view a Restricted channel and its content 

Embedding Videos on Websites

  • Embedding is a way to place a video right on a web page instead of linking to it in the MiVideo site. How to add embed code to web pages and content management systems is beyond the scope of this documentation
  • MiVideo provides embed code that you can copy and use in web sites and content management systems
  • The site must support iFrame embeds and you must have the sufficient site permissions to add the embed code to the site
  • Using MiVideo embed code disregards any system level permissions (e.g. Canvas or Channels) applied to the video
  • A video can be both published as unlisted and externally embedded at the same time
  • Note: oEmbed code is used in content management systems that block contributors from adding HTML code. Videos that are embedded this way must be publicly available. If you have questions about oEmbed please contact the ITS-MiVideo team.
How to Get Embed Code
  1. MiVideo Mediaspace: user drop-down menu > My Media
  2. Click the video title to view the video playback page. This is what your users will see when the video is published 
  3. Validate the page content
  4. Check your spelling, description, etc.
  5. Make sure there is no “appears in” field displayed. If you see that, the video is already published in those locations. If you make the video unlisted you will be unpublishing it from those places
  6. If you need to make any edits or order captions, click the Actions button below the video and choose the desired option. See the Edit Media articles for information about editing media details
  7. Click the Share tab, then the Embed tab
  8. Make your player and player size selections, which display below the generated embed code
  9. Copy the embed code from the text box. This is what you will paste into the web page’s editor

Related Articles

See related My Media articles for more information about using your media library.

Additional Information

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center

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Article ID: 3632
Wed 9/9/20 11:14 AM
Fri 9/22/23 12:25 PM