U-M Zoom, meetings and webinars
I removed a participant from a Zoom meeting/webinar and want to allow them to rejoin.
Zoom Meetings
Before a participant can rejoin a Zoom meeting, the host must ensure the Allow removed participants to rejoin setting is enabled for their account.
Important: Changing this setting during an active/live meeting or webinar will not apply the changes to that session. The session must be stopped and restarted for the change to take effect.
If you are the meeting host:
- Go to U-M Zoom on the web and click Sign in.
- Click Settings from the left navigation.
- Click the Meeting tab.
- Select the In Meeting (Basic) section on the left.
- Scroll until you find the Allow removed participants to rejoin setting and ensure it is enabled by toggling it on.
Zoom Webinars
To allow an attendee to rejoin a Zoom webinar after they have been removed, a webinar host must manually approve their re-entry.
Note: If the attendee is a Guest and still has difficulties rejoining the webinar, they should attempt to rejoin using a different device or IP address.
If you are the webinar host:
- Go to U-M Zoom on the web and click Sign in.
- Click Webinars from the left navigation.
- Click the topic of the webinar you want to edit.
- Click the Invitations tab.
- Click Edit in the Manage Attendees section.
- The Manage Attendees section will not appear until an attendee has been removed.
- Click Approve next to the attendee to allow them to rejoin. You can also select multiple attendees using the checkboxes, then click Approve at the bottom of the pop-up window.
Additional Information
Zoom Support article: Allowing participants and panelists to rejoin
Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.