Annoto: Quiz Students On Video Material In Canvas



Annoto is now available in all Canvas courses!
Quickly turn passive course videos into engaging and interactive experiences for students using Annoto! Annoto is an add-on to MiVideo in Canvas that allows students to collaborate within the video or audio player. 


How an instructor can use Annoto to create in-video quiz questions for a MiVideo video to test student knowledge of material covered in the video.

  • Quiz question types include: True/False, Multiple Choice, and Multiple Answer
  • Quiz questions can be assigned a point value
  • As students complete the quiz their final scores are sent to Canvas Gradebook 
  • Instructors can enter feedback for correct and wrong answers
  • Quizzes can be timed and allow for re-attempts

Tip: because Annoto is interactive and collects user behavior, Annoto quizzes will not work in public courses since public courses do not require authentication to access. 


Try it out! 
Interested in experiencing Annoto in-video quizzing as a student? Enroll in our self-paced Annoto course, select Assignments, then select TRY IT OUT: In-Video Quiz.

Videos must be added to the MiVideo service to use Annoto.

1. Create Canvas Assignment

Note: The instructor will need to be the owner or co-publisher of the MiVideo video to add the video to the assignment.

Important: when publishing an Annoto quiz as an assignment, the video should not be published anywhere else in the course (Media Gallery or embedded into content) because this can cause grade passback to fail. If the video should also be published for student review, make and publish a copy of the video.

  1. Navigate to the course in Canvas > Assignments > + Assignment
  2. Enter the assignment instructions
  3. Enter the Points for the assignment
    • Different points can be assigned to each question in the quiz
    • The total points for the assignment does not have to match the total quiz points possible
    • The final grade is calculated by taking the total points correct divided by the total points possible multiplied by the assignment points. For example, if a quiz has 3 questions worth 10 points each and a student scores 20 out of 30 points correct and the assignment is worth 50 points the score is 33.34 points = (20/30 x 50)
  4. Scroll down to the Submission Type drop-down list and select External Tool
  5. Click the Find button
  6. Select MiVideo or Annoto In-Video Quizzing
  7. Search for the video
  8. Select the setting (gear) icon next to the video to embed
  9. Select a Max Embed Size of 960 x 540 or larger
  10. Click Embed
  11. Click Select
  12. Uncheck Load This Tool In A New Tab (if checked)
  13. Note: the assignment name will become the same name as the video. This can be changed.
  14. Complete all other assignment details.
  15. Click Save (don't publish the assignment until after creating the quiz).

2. Enable Annoto Quiz at the Individual Video Level

Enable Annoto Quizzes for this individual video.

  1. In the assignment, click the play button in the player to load the controls.
  2. Click the speech bubble or settings icon to open the Annoto widget
  3. If the Dashboard does not load, click the Annoto menu (triple lines) in the upper left of the widget and select Dashboard.
  4. In the Features tab enable Quizzes.
  5. ​​​​Tip: to prevent students from fast forwarding through the video, enable the Limit Fast Forwarding feature. Click the Options button to limit fast forwarding for mandatory quizzes and/or optional quizzes.

3. Create Annoto Quiz

  1. In the assignment, click the speech bubble to open the Annoto widget (if not already).
  2. Select the Interactions tab in the widget.
  3. Play the video or move the scrubber to the location on the video to insert a question.
  4. To create questions, follow the steps in the Annoto guides: Creating a New Interaction and Interactions Creation Flow
    • Tip: Annoto does not provide partial points for multiple answer questions. If a multiple answer question is worth 3 points and contains three correct answers, the student must select all three correct answers to receive 3 points for the question. Otherwise the student receives 0 points for the question.
  5. Questions can be edited as needed. Questions edited after they are published will need to be republished.
  6. Optional: after the quiz is complete, preview the quiz.
  7. Publish the quiz so students can see it.

4. Publish the Assignment

Once Annoto is configured publish the assignment so students can access it.

Note: in addition to the quiz score, the assignment grade can also be based on how much of the video the student watches. For more information see the Video Interaction Grade Passback to Canvas article.

How Students Take The Quiz

  1. Navigate to the Assignment or video.
  2. Start watching the video and answer the questions when they appear.
  3. The Interactions tab on the Annoto widget shows how many questions have been answered.
  4. When all questions have been answered, the widget shows the final score. If the video is an assignment, that grade is sent to Canvas.
  5. Finish watching the video, there is no need to submit anything else.
  6. If retakes are allowed for specific questions, click on the button under the question in the Interactions tab and select a different answer.
  7. For assignments, navigate to the Grades tool in Canvas to see your final grade.

View Quiz Results

If the quiz was created as a Canvas Assignment, final grades are passed back to Canvas Gradebook. Instructors can view the highest, mean, and lowest course grades, percent of students who completed the quiz, as well as an individual student's answers in the Annoto Dashboard. The Annoto dashboard is accessible to all teachers and TAs enrolled in the course. See the Annoto Video Quiz Results article.

Annoto Guides


  • The Annoto dashboard and quiz results are accessible to all teachers and TAs enrolled in the course.
  • Reliable Canvas Gradebook passback.
  • A copy of the video does not need to be created, unlike Kaltura IVQ where the quiz becomes part of the video, Annoto quizzes are an overlay on the video.
  • If the assignment and Annoto quiz are imported into another course, Annoto quiz submissions stay attached to the course in which students submitted, as opposed to Kaltura IVQ where all submissions stay attached to the video's Kaltura analytics.

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center