Annoto Use Case: Comments Engage Students In A Flipped Classroom



Annoto is now available in all Canvas courses!
Quickly turn passive course videos into engaging and interactive experiences for students using Annoto! Annoto is an add-on to MiVideo in Canvas that allows students to collaborate within the video or audio player. 


How an instructor can use Annoto's Comments in a flipped classroom to provide a way for students to actively participate in the learning process.

  • The Instructor can ask students questions at specific points during the video.
  • Students can talk with each other and the instructor about the content.
    • Everyone can ask and answer questions, share thoughts, and reply to other comments.
  • Instructors can view, reply, and download all comments.
  • Everyone in the course can view all comments and replies.

Tip: because Annoto is interactive and collects user behavior, it is not recommended to use Annoto in public courses since public courses do not require authentication to access. 

Use Case at U-M

Dr. Lisa Disch,  a faculty member in Political Science, was an early adopter of Annoto at U-M. Hear her speak about her experience using Annoto in her Polisci 101 flipped classroom. Students watched videos prior to class and came prepared for the in-class discussions.

Lisa Disch: Benefits Of Using Video As A Teaching Component

Video Demos

Enable or Disable Annoto Feature For An Individual Video

Comments Space in Annoto

Manage Video Discussion from the Annoto Dasboard


Try it out! 
Interested in experiencing Annoto comments as a student? Enroll in our self-paced Annoto course, select Modules, then select TRY IT OUT: Add Comments.


  • In this use case, Comments will be enabled at the individual video level so only specific videos in the course will have the Annoto Comments feature enabled.
  • One or more Annoto features can be enabled at the same time. For example, Notes can be enabled for all videos in the course with Comments enabled for specific videos.  
  • The ability to enable and disable Annoto features for specific videos provide instructors complete control over how students interact with course videos.
  • Instructors can enable the Comments' feature by toggling the slider in the Preferences tab of an individual video on the Annoto Dashboard. See the Annoto Dashboard and Preferences article for detailed instructions.
  • There are several comment related features that can be enabled:
    • Comments = allows students to add comments viewable by other students. Students can “like” each others comments.
    • Video Comments = allows students to comment with their own video (up to 3 minutes in length) using the built-in recorder. These video comments are saved to the student's My Media library.
    • Anonymous Comments = allow students the ability to post comments anonymously, however instructors can see anonymous students names.
    • Notifications = allows students to manage their notification preferences in the Annoto Widget.
    • Managed Comments = every comment that is added to the discussion will be pending a moderator’s manual approval before becoming public in the discussion.
  • See the Annoto User Guide for Instructor for more details about these features.


Manage and Download Comments

  • Instructors can contribute to discussions from the Comments tab in the video player. See Annoto's Comments article.
  • Instructors can manage the video discussion from the Annoto Dashboard. See Annoto's Video View article.
  • Comments for a video can be exported by instructors from the Annoto Dashboard. See Annoto's Export Comments article.


  • Can links be placed in comments?
  • Can comments be formatted?
    Yes, see the User Guide for details.
  • Can comments be deleted?
    Yes, students can delete their own comments within 24 hours of posting unless someone has replied. Instructors can delete their own comments at any time unless someone has replied. Instructors can delete student comments any time.
  • Can an instructor delete student comments in the case of inappropriate comments?
    Yes, from the Annoto dashboard Hub.

Annoto Guides

Additional Information

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center

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Article ID: 11039
Fri 10/20/23 10:13 AM
Fri 6/7/24 12:24 PM

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Annoto is an in-video discussion tool for MiVideo content in Canvas.