What is Google Drive (LTI 1.3) in Canvas?


Google Drive LTI 1.3


What is Google Drive (LTI 1.3) in Canvas?  How is this different than Google Drive in Canvas?


Google Drive (LTI 1.3) is an updated version of the Google Drive integration in Canvas. Either tool (Google Drive or Google Drive (LTI 1.3)) can be used and will provide the same comparable functionality*. However, users are encouraged to use Google Drive (LTI 1.3) to take advantage of the improved user interface.

What is the Google Drive (LTI 1.3)?

Embed Google Drive file into course content using the Rich Content Editor

  1. From the Rich Content Editor, click the Apps icon.
  2. Select Google Drive (LTI 1.3). If you don't see it in the list click View All.
  3. If you are not already logged into Google you will be prompted to Sign In. Login with your Umich credentials.
  4. If you are already logged in, click Select file.
  5. Locate the file in your Drive or upload a new file.
  6. Click Add.
  7. When notified that Attaching this file will change the sharing setting and allow anyone with the link to access it, click Attach.
  • Note: the file sharing permission will change to "Anyone with a link"

​​Link Google Drive file in a module

  1. click the Add Item + icon to add a new module item.
  2. Click the Add drop-down menu and select External Tool.
  3. Select Google Drive (LTI 1.3).
  4. If you are not already logged into Google you will be prompted to Sign In. Login with your Umich credentials.
  5. If you are already logged in, click Select file.
  6. Locate the file in your Drive or upload a new file.
  7. When notified that Attaching this file will change the sharing setting and allow anyone with the link to access it, click Attach.
  8. Update the page name if necessary and uncheck Load in a new tab if you want the file embedded in Canvas (otherwise your students will be prompted to open the file in a new browser window).
  9. Click Add Item.
  • Note: the file sharing permission will change to "Anyone with a link"

Embed a video from Google Drive into course content

*When will Google Drive be removed from Canvas?

On June 30 2024, the Google Drive integration will be removed and Google Drive (LTI 1.3) will become the only option in Canvas.

Additional Information

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center


Article ID: 10753
Thu 8/24/23 4:17 PM
Thu 9/28/23 12:34 PM