U-M Maizey
How do I use U-M Maizey?
If you are creating a Maizey project for a Canvas course, see the article
Getting Started with Maizey Canvas Connector. The steps outlined in this article are for creating Maizey projects using Dropbox, Google Drive, or a public website.
Currently, U-M Maizey can index data from Dropbox, Google Drive, a public website, or Canvas.
Learn more about supported file types in U-M Maizey.
Log in and Create a New Project
Navigate to umgpt.umich.edu/maizey, and then log in with your uniqname and UMICH password and complete Duo two-factor authentication.
- Click Create New Project.
Project Settings
- Enter a project Project Name.
- Enter your project’s unique URL identifier in the Project Path field. For example, if you enter smith-bio101, the public-facing URL for your project will be umgpt.umich.edu/maizey/smith-bio101.
- Enter a valid, authorized Billing Shortcode. Note that a Shortcode is required, but Maizey is currently available at no cost.
- In the Privacy Status field, select Shared or Private.
- Select Shared to create a project that is accessible to others. Owner and Viewer MCommunity groups are required to create a Shared project.
- Select Private to create a project that is only intended for personal use and not shared with others. MCommunity groups are not required to create a Private project.
- Once a project is set to private and the setup process is complete, this setting cannot be changed (it will always be a private project).
- If you are creating a Private project, skip to step 7.
- Select a Viewer Group and an Owner Group. Note that if you are creating a Private Project, these fields are not needed and will not display.
- The Viewer Group field displays MCommunity groups for which you are a member. Members of this group can use the AI chat tool you create with Maizey and will be given the Member role on your Maizey project.
- The Owner Group field displays MCommunity groups for which you are an owner. Owners of this group can edit the Maizey project you create and will be given the Contributor role on your Maizey project.
- If needed, you can create a new MCommunity group and add owners/members to it accordingly.
- Note that if you create a new MCommunity group after you've already begun building your Maizey project, you must log out of Maizey and log in again in order for the new group to display.
- Click Submit.
Project Layout Settings
- Enter a Title for your AI Tool.
- Enter a Description of your AI Tool.
- If desired, select the Show Footer option.
- If desired, select the Show Project Creator option.
- Click Submit.
Artificial Intelligence Settings
It is strongly recommended that you review Guidance on AI Settings for more information about each option before continuing.
- A default System Prompt Augmentation is provided. Edit the field if desired. See the Maizey System Prompt Library for additional guidance and examples.
- Adjust the Temperature slider as desired.
- If desired, select the Return Data Sources in Response option.
- If desired, click the drop-down menu to Choose a Chain.
- Retrieval QA is essentially one query, one response. The chat tool does not incorporate or reference the chat history in its response. Best option for a simple information-retrieval chat tool.
- Conversation Retrieval QA allows the chat tool to reference and incorporate the chat conversation history into its response. Best option for more advanced chat tools, allowing you to ask follow-up questions that reference previous interactions from within a single chat conversation.
- If desired, click the drop-down menu to Choose a Chain Type. Note that only Stuff is currently available. More options will be available in the future.
- Click Submit.
- Note that there can be a delay as data is being indexed. You can view progress in the Task Activity list.
- You can click Data Source to open the URL of the data source used for your project.
Add Data Sources
- Click Add Data Source.
- Select Data from Google Drive, Dropbox, or a public website from the drop-down menu that displays.
- Click Link Data.
- If you selected Google Drive, select the folder you wish to use from the drop-down menu. Only top-level folders you own or have access to via a Shared drive will display.
- Creating a Google project the first time will display a page that asks which account you want to authorize access for the ITS-AI project. Once you pick your account, you will be asked to allow ITS-AI to access your Google Drive. You will need to allow access in order to use U-M Maizey with Google Drive.
- If you selected Dropbox, select the folder you wish to use from the drop-down menu. All top-level folders you have access to in Dropbox will display.
- Creating a Dropbox project the first time will display a page that asks you to allow ITS Generative AI Services permission to view the content related to your Dropbox account and files. You need to allow access in order to use U-M Maizey with Dropbox.
- If you selected public website, provide the web URL you wish to use, or list multiple URLs each on a separate line.
Note that Maizey will only index data for the base URL you provide (not sub-pages). If you want to include multiple web pages, list the individual URLs on a separate line.
Tip: You can use the "Go To URL Extractor" button at the bottom of the page to generate a list of scraped URLs you can select from to add to your project.
Repeat these steps as needed to link additional data sources to your Maizey project.
- Note that there can be a delay as data is being indexed. You can view progress in the Task Activity list on the Project Detail tab.
- If changes are made to your data sources, you will need to reindex the data sources. See instructions to manually reindex or set up scheduled automatic reindexing.
Publish and Share
You can open your AI tool and test it by clicking the Public URL link at the top of the Project Details page.
When you are ready to share your project with members of the selected MCommunity group, you first need to publish your project. On the Project Details page, click Update next to the Published option under Project Layout Settings and publish your project. You can then share the Public URL with members of your group.
Note that Private projects do not require publishing.

Additional Information
Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.