Export a Chat Conversation in Maizey


U-M Maizey


How do I export a chat conversation and view exported chat conversations?


After creating a Maizey project, you can export chat conversations from within your chat tool. Exported conversations are saved within Maizey for seven days, after which they are deleted.

Export Chat Conversations

  1. Click Options, and then select Export Chats.
  2. Click the checkbox(es) to select the conversation(s) you wish to export.
  3. Click Export.
  4. Review your selections, and then click Start Export.
  5. Click Project Exports in the pop-up window that displays.

Left sidebar in chat tool showing Export option and selection of conversation to export

View Exported Chat Conversations

  1. Click Project Exports.
  2. Locate your saved conversation and click Show Export Link.
  3. Click the link that displays. Your exported conversation will open in a new window. You can copy the URL if you wish to share the exported conversation.

Project Exports view in Maizey with Show Export Link highlighted

Additional Information

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Article ID: 11435
Wed 1/10/24 12:44 PM
Thu 1/25/24 11:07 AM

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